Chap # 6 "A kiss would be fine."

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Hey I forgot to mention but does anyone remembers Eric from the last chapter? He is in my other story 'Finding You'.

Anyways enjoy reading...

Nathan Rivera's POV

I was reading the newspaper that came out today. A accident was caused on one of the main roads of Chicago and many patients arrived today. It was hard for us as many died before we could even operate them. I was glad that one of my patient who was damaged pretty bad was able to survive this. And many doctors were able to call their operation succesfull.

It was almost midnight when I came home tired and I was sitting and waiting for Janet to make me tea. While I was taking my coat out, I thought she would be asleep but no, she was awake waiting for me to return as she walked towards me with her shy smile. Now when I was feeling sleepy she told me to wait till she makes tea for me.

Well, because to her she thinks that if I sleep now I will have a headache in the morning so she is making some green tea to not cause me any pain.

I smiled at her attentiveness toward me as I kept reading the newspaper. She came out with the hot tea in her hands and carefully passed it to me. Our fingers touched as I heard her taking a deep breath. I smirked at her reaction as I took her small hand in mine. Her eyes widened as I pulled out a chair close to me and made her sit in it. She sat on it and lowered her eyes in shyness.

"Why were you late?" She asked her voice so soft and quite that it was music to my ears. I showed her the newspaper as she looked at it, confused.

"There was an accident today and many were injured so that was the reason I was late." I told her as she nodded, understanding.

"Are they all fine?" I didn't want to upset her or make her feel sad by my answer.

"Yes." I answered simply. She hummed as her eyes were focused on the newspaper. I, at first thought she was reading it but then she spoke.

"I can't read." Her words stabbed my heart and I felt pity. I watched as sadness washed over her.

"Did you not go to high school?" I asked her slowly and steadily. She shook her head as her sad eyes meet mine. I didn't want to push her so I didn't ask her why. But the questions I wanted to ask her we're building up every day.

"I can help you read." I suggested as I squeezed her hand that was still interwined with mine. Her round eyes widened and a small smile broke on her lips.

"You will?" She exclaimed as I chuckled at her reaction.

"Of course." I said as I sipped her delicious tea.

"How about tomorrow? I am really tired right now." She nodded her head with that smile still playing her lips. My eyes kept gazing at her with a smirk as her were on me and soon she realized that she was staring at me, her eyes cast down with a deep blush on her cheek.

I was done with my tea and went straight to the bed with her, I already changed into my trousers as I watched her sleep on the other side with her eyes closed. I kept staring at her for a good 2 minutes before sleep took over me.

Janet Rivera's POV

I was in a beautiful field running as the colorful flowers tickled my feet. The scenery was beautiful as the sun was setting. I was laughing heartily as I watched Nathan behind me, chasing me.

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