Chap # 19 "That I got kidnapped."

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Janet Rivera's POV

Yesterday has been the best. When we both confessed to each other, he got more affectionate, compassionate, tender and lustful. I have read enough to know what lust is. In a relation of husband and wife we have to take both love and lust together, but also know that there is very thin line between them. And I know that Nathan loves and lusts over me but he knows where to draw the line.

Anyways Nathan now has been careful about my nightmare even after I told him that they aren't frequent as they were before. He contacted some therapist and now I have an appointment in three days. I also want them to stop but with the devil back to ruin my life it's quite impossible. When I am alone in the house, I can't help but think if Nathan is fine. Her threats shouldn't get to me, but they did. I can't stop worrying about him and that's what makes the nightmares come. I shouldn't think about her but since I am mostly alone in the house, I keep thinking. I don't know what to do and it's frustrating me.

"Let's go to the movies tonight." He didn't ask just told me not like I will deny him.

"What movie?" I asked, smiling as he hugged me from behind. His hand wrapping around my small waist as he digged his face under my neck while placing a small kiss. I tried to control the blush but couldn't as goosebumps covered my body.

"You won't get scared by a scary movie, right?" He questioned as he clipped my chin with his long fingers, turning my face to the side.

"No, I have actually seen one horror movie with Lydia. It was Conjuring 1, nothing scary about it, just interesting." I heard him chuckle as I dried the dishes.

"Did you really not get scared?" He asked, surprised. I shook my head as he pressed his body to mine and lightly swaying.

"Why are you surprised?" I finished the last plate and turned to face him.

"I mean, Bella screams while watching a horror movie." I laughed as he smirked at me, while leaning a little closer to me.

"Then why does she watch it?"

"We kind of forced her many times." He stated while chuckling deeply making my insides tingle.

"Scary movie sounds good." I told him as I backed away from his warm arms and towards our bedroom. I went forward to our closet and picked up the dirty clothes and went along my way to the laundry room. Nathan had an automatic laundry machine so it wasn't hard unlike when I was in that prison, I had to wash by hands.

While I was done, I heard my phone ring. Walking towards it, I picked it up.


"Hey girl, it's me Valeria." I instantly smiled, it's been too long since I meet her.

"How you doing? How's Darrell?" I adjusted the phone between my ear and shoulder as I cleaned up the kitchen table.

"We are doing great, he has been learning new things every day." I smiled at that. It won't be long when I have my own.

"That's good to know." I tell her as I sat on the couch of the living room with Nathan who was watching the news.

"Anyways I wanted to ask if you are free for an hour or two. It's been long since we had a meet up." I hummed in agreement while Nathan pulled me closer to him with his face still stuck in the TV.

"Is Bella joining?" I asked her.

"No, I asked her but she was busy."

"Okay text me the place and I'll be there. What time though?" I sat up straight as Nathan gave me quizzical look.

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