Chap # 17 "You saw me naked!?"

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Who reads the author's note. I read the first few chapters note and if I like the author, I read all of her notes. Wbu?

Janet Rivera's POV

I tried to go back to sleep but the stupid pounding on my head was making me go crazy. I clutched my head and started to massage it with my fingers, trying to make the pain go away but it still stayed, intact. I sat up quick making my head ache more. Wrong move. That hurts so bad, should not have sat straight immediately. I told myself as I blinked a couple of times, adjusting to the light.

I, finally opened my eyes and took a look at my surrounding. I was in our bedroom. I don't even remember, how I got here or what happened. I feel like I have amnesia. Okay, lets start with what happened in the morning. I remember going for lunch with the girls and then they wanted to go to the club. Yes, now I remembered, they made me 'make Nathan agree to go to the club' and I succeeded. I laughed, internally as I remembered how Bella taught me to tease Nathan.

"Listen and watch carefully. Neck is the weakness of many men and my brother is one of them." She said pointing towards her neck as she circled around me, like a predator to a prey.

"First you sit on his lap, another weakness of a guy, then kiss on his neck like this-" She made me sit on the bed and then sat on me making me blush and eyes widened.

"Bella, stop!" I tried to push her away as she laughed and got up, finally after tickling me a little bit making me giggle. They both love tickling people.

"Okay, okay. But did you get it? You must act like you are incharge." I nodded my head with a funny smile as the door flew open and Valeria walked in eyeing us.

"Derek said yes!" She squealed as Bella gave her a high-five.

"Now Janet this is your chance. Are you ready soldier?" She asked, all serious as I almost laughed.

"Yes sir." I said, sarcastically.

"Good. Now make us proud."

I sighed happily as I remembered the childish moment of ours. I thought I won't be able to do it, but I did. And I was surprised at myself, kind of proud too. I remember going to the club and telling Nathan that I want to drink. And he didn't stop me. Oh my! I drank too much that must the reason why I don't remember anything and followed by the massive head throbbing. I need some tea.

I stretched as I felt a loose cloth around me. I looked down and my eyes went wide as saucers. I don't remember wearing this shirt to the club. I turned to face Nathan and saw him shirtless, sleeping without a sound. The shirt, I am wearing is his. Oh no, no, no! What happened last night?

I panicked as I got out of bed and suddenly started to feel dizzy. I am never drinking again. I told myself as I held my head tighter as my head throb making me groan. I sat back on the edge of the bed as I felt a hand on top of mine which was clutching my head. I slowly turned to face up and meet his worried and half sleepy sea blue eyes.

"You should have woken me up. I'll get you some medicine." His voice came out hoarse as he got up and stretched his shoulders. I watched his back muscles move in a attractive manner making my hands itch as I wanted to touch them. I blushed deep as my eyes watched his every move till he disappeared through the door.

I was still wearing my undergarments so I don't think anything happened. Should I ask him? I impatiently, waited for him as he finally came with the medicine and a glass of water. He passed it over to me as I gulped the medicine while I tried to cover my exposed and bruised legs into the duvet.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked as I nodded and mumbled a 'yes'.

"Did... Umm did anything happened- last night?" I whispered as he narrowed his eyes at me making me gulp.

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