Chap # 14 "He kissed me!"

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Nathan Rivera's POV

I felt like bursting!

"You want to know, sure I'll tell you. Janet has no idea about the world outside. She saw a pregnant woman and thought that she was fat. She doesn't know how to read and when I asked, she said that she never had gone to highschool. She had never used a mobile phone and had never watched a movie. She had not stepped out to see the world. How can a person in this generation not know all this? Where was she? Stuck up in a tower like Rapunzel?" I burst and I was beyond furious. This man in front of me has messed up the childhood of his only daughter. I am real happy to know that Janet is with me otherwise I dont know what would have happened if she wasn't.

"I have seen marks on her skin, as if someone had abused her. Who the hell was she living with? Where the hell were you?" My voice started to get loud, the chair scraped against the ground as I stood. Sean eyes stared at me with sadness, regret and hurt as my eyes were blazing with anger.

"Sit Nathan, I'll tell you what I know." I glared at him for a few seconds and then sat because I want answers.

"I want to know everything from the beginning." I told him as he nodded and began.

"I had a girlfriend at the age of 19 who got pregnant when she was only 18. That day was surprising but we managed to go through it. I loved her so much that I proposed to marry her and then we were lively very happily. My sister had told me multiple times that Riley, my wife is not how she is. I never believed her until my sister started to show me pictures of Riley with different men. I was furious and wanted a break so I left to New York after I had a fight with her. The another reason was that my mother was sick so I stayed in New York and my buisness started to grow there. At that time Janet was only five, I still supported Riley financially and we talked everyday. I still loved her and I wanted things to work. My sister, Sierra was with Riley all the time, helping her. But- " He stopped and looked me in the eye with anger as he zoned out into his thoughts.

"But Riley took advantage of all this. One day Sierra called and told me that Riley was abusing Janet, I was shocked and came quick to Calfornia but Riley ran away with Janet and I tried to find her but no luck. I was hell scared for my daughter and then hired many investigators and we didn't find Janet until one day. My sister found Janet in the streets, the next week I asked you to marry her. I wish I could have saved her but I couldn't. Riley ran away with the money and I never saw her again." My ears couldn't believe what I was hearing. I felt even more confused because Janet told me that her Aunt was the one to abuse her not her mother.

"Did she talked about me?" He asked as I brought myself out of my thoughts.

"Actually, no. But she did talked about her mother. And let me tell you she loves her mother." I said remembering the way her eyes sparkled when she told Valeria that her mother taught her cooking. Sean gave me a confused look with a little shock as I stayed quiet. I think his sister has messed up his mind and told him the wrong story. And to be honest, I am not even going to correct him. He messed up things by trusting the wrong person. If he really loved his wife, the least he could do was trust her.

"Do you want to meet her?" I asked Sean as his eyes lit up.

"I want too but I am busy and came here for a little business. I will meet her soon." He told me with a smile as he stood up from his seat.

"Thanks Nathan for taking care of her." He said, genuinely as he stood up and I did the same.

"No problem, she is my wife and I would do anything for her." I told him as he nodded at me and walked out of the office. I sat back and sighed, deeply.

This is so messed up!

Janet Rivera's POV

"He kissed me!" I whispered to myself as I heard the front door shut close. I touched my lips and felt them a little swollen where he sucked them. I must have turned into a tomato. I felt like I was in a different world where only the two of us exist. I had no idea on what to do when he kissed so I stayed still and enjoyed the way his lips moved on me. This kiss was so much different and amazing than the one I gave him, when he was sleeping. The kiss was replaying in my thoughts like a broken record. I felt my heart explode when his lips touched mine. I think I want more, I want more of his kisses. I think, I'm addicted with only one dose.

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