Chap # 32 "Pathetic Attempt."

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Bonus Chapter, enjoy.

Nathan Rivera's POV

"I'm trying to call her but she isn't picking up." Sean groaned and I huffed air out of my lips making Drake chuckle.

"Of course, she isn't going to pick up, that lady is busy with her crazy scheme of abducting your precious little pearl." Drake slapped my back as I, so badly wanted to punch him but I refrained from doing so.

"So, what's your plan? I got some men who can help us." Sean said making Drake nod his head in appreciation.

"Good, the more the merrier. Oh I mean, the more the bloodier and of course easier to find the manipulative bitch." He smirked as I rolled my eyes and took the beer out of his hand and chugged it.

"The plan is simple, go to the place where the tracker is showing, find the guy and torture him till he barks about where the woman is. And then we all invade that woman's house and bang- kill the bitch." He told us and we all nodded our heads as I saw Janet peeked from the door. I walked towards her and closed the door behind us, holding her tiny little face as she placed her soft hands over my rough ones.

"You going to be alright, okay? If something ever happens you run from the back door. Go to Valeria's house and keep your mobile with you all the time. I won't lose you, and if I came to know that you didn't run, I will seriously chain you up." I tried to smile for her as she giggled but I did know that today it wasn't going to be easy. I didn't want to leave her alone but I had to go myself and plus I am sure that the bodyguards surrounding the house will keep them secure and safe.

"I understand, Nathan." I placed a loving kiss over her forehead as I heard the screeching of tires outside the house. They must be here to pick us up with some more bodyguards. I placed another kiss over her lips very softly as if she would break right infront of me.

"I am leaving now, keep your mobile with you." I reminded her again as she nodded her head and placed a kiss on my cheek, smiling but I knew that she wasn't feeling well.

"Let's go buddy." Drake knocked on the door and spoke from the other side as I kept staring at my love. I mouthed 'I love you' as she grinned making my heart jump. I closed my eyes and pulled her for a hug into my arms. I wish the world wasn't that cruel, it should be easy going and smooth. Not this, always looking behind your shoulder, living in fear that someone might stab you. How much more is she going to suffer for a simple mistake of the past?

I watched the way she let go of my hand and kept her eyes on me, I took a deep breath and walked out of the room. Her little feet following me, as I was about to leave through the front door, she caught my hand making me turn to face her. She moved closer and laid her lips on mine, as if she don't want it to end, deepening it while her hands roam around my shoulders. I kissed back with the same force and held her tightly. When we were out of breath, she stepped back. Behind me Drake saw the whole scene and didn't comment to which made I was glad. But the look on Janet's face made me re-think about going.

I could let Sean and Drake go, but then again I want to get some relief by catching that bitch myself. I quickly faced away and walked towards the car without looking back, taking out my laptop and the wifi device to check the camera I have fixed around the house. If anything wrong happens we will be able to see it and act on it.

Janet Rivera's POV

I watched him walk away as I signed, feeling my heart ache. I want him back, he could get into serious trouble. He shouldn't go but I couldn't say it to him or it will anger him. He needs to know that my aunt is not sane, I don't want him to get hurt, I rather die.

"Janet, lets go have some lunch." Mom came and pulled me towards the kitchen as I kept staring at the front door, wishing he would come back. We were mostly done with food as I went towards the washroom and washed my face, trying to keep my thoughts positive. I kept seeing Nathan's face with blood all over it and I can't stop it.

I walked out of the bathroom as Mom barged inside my room and hushed me with her finger, pulling me towards the kitchen. She opened the backdoor and quickly gave a call to Nathan, I assumed.

"They are here, come back now!!" She whispered as she cut the call and pushed me out of the door.

"Check all the places she is in here. I saw her!" My eyes widened as my heart started beating fast.

"Go Janet!! I will take care of everything here, go!!" She pushed me out and quickly closed the door as I heard her yelp. I hid in the bush, so they could not see me for a few minutes competing if I should run or not.

"Janet, my love? I know you are in this house. Come out now or else things might get bloody." I gulped as I thought of running away but then I heard the bang and a blood shilling scream. Mom.

"The next bullet will go through her skull." I cried as I didn't know what to do. Thats my mother in there, I cannot let her be in pain.

"You fucking bitch!! Do you think this is over? If not for your men I could easily take you down." I heard another scream as my heart broke for my mother. No, no I can't live like this!

"Shut up, you are only words! Janet this is your last chance."

I slowly opened the back door and walked right in the cage. I saw my mother kneeling beside my aunt as I tried to think of a way. I, swigtly took a knife that was on the kitchen counter and walked in. My mothers eyes snapped to me as she tried to get up.

"JANET RUN!! WHY ARE YOU BACK?!!" My aunt walks over to me as I took that as a chance and tried to stab her but I missed and she took a hold of my wrist.

"Pathetic attempt." The men around the room got the hold of me, I tried to push them away but couldn't do it. My mother tried to pull me out but couldn't as I saw my aunt about to pull the trigger on her.

"NO NO!! Don't shoot her, I- I will c-come with you." My aunt smiled with victory as she kicked my mother away and walked out of the room pushing me into a whitr van. I felt one of the guys place a cloth on my mouth as I tried to get out of their hold. My eyes started dropping as my visions got blurry, soon enough I was in deep sleep.


I know this is very very late. Plus its a very small chapter but I had my exams and today the exams offically end. I guess.

Anyways how was the chapter? I hope you don't hate me.

*glares at me*

Of course they love me.

Anyways tata byeeee
Sadiya out.

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