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Nathan Rivera's POV

"You may kiss the bride!" The only sentence I was dying to hear as I pulled the 'love of my life'. For a journey, she will never forget.

6 years later

"Nora, get down here right now!" I ordered her in a loud voice as I stood at the bottom of the staircase.

"NO!" My patience was running thin and I was seconds away from making the girl go right back from where she came. Her loud voice was no match Janet's sweet one. She was just like another version of Bella, and annoying me was one of her favorite things to do. Can you believe she covered the whole kitchen floor with ice-cream, while I was in the living room reading a book. And she had the audacity to say it was 'an accident'. Well, I will definitely let her know that she was an acc-

"What is going on?" Janet stood in the living room with her mouth wide open. "I left for only an hour," Lydia walked in with the groceries and saw the mess with her slumped shoulders and almost crying face.

"I just swept the floors, I-" I suddenly felt bad for Lydia, as I promised myself to help her with cleaning.

"Ask Darrell since he might be the one giving her these ideas." Janet rolled her eyes and dropped the groceries on the kitchen counter, heading upstairs to Nora's room.

She was Mama's baby, and I didn't hate anything about it except that she learns stupid stuff from Darrell, and Janet doesn't realize it. Trust me, I don't want that boy to be anywhere near my girl, even though he is Derek's child. Janet doesn't understand how he is a bad influence on her and let's her play with him.

"Let me help you Lydia,"

Janet Rivera's POV

I creaked open the door to find little footsteps of ice-cream all across the room, turning my eyes towards the little tent. I saw Nora's little dirty feet lying outside as she played with her dolls. I tiptoed and peeked inside the tent and watched her as she sat with a sad frown on her face.

"Nora?" I gently called out for her as her big brown doe eyes looked up to stare at me. She quickly lunged out of her tent and hugged me with great strength effecting me to almost fall backwards, on the ground.

"I-I didn- didn't do i- it on p- purpose, D- Darrell said th- that if I cove- covered the floor wit- with ice-cream, daddy wil- will be h- happy!" She hi-cupped as tears started to flow down her eyes one by one. One thing that she took from me was being sensitive to any yelling. I kissed her forehead and calmed her down, telling her to take deep breaths, in and out. She did as she was told and I quickly took her to the bathroom for a shower.

"Darrell was teasing you, you know that right? You don't always have to listen to him." She sniffed as she nodded her head.

"He always teases me and Skyla in the class." She said with a pout

"But he isn't in your class,"

"He come in break time." She explained as I made a mental note to talk to Valeria about it. Darrell is definitely like his father. His main two target it Skyla and Nora. Nathan told me about this but I ignore it not wanted to create a fight between the families, they are just kids, they will learn.


"I'm sorry," Nathan kept staring at her with his arms crossed over one another. I gave him a look as he rolled his eyes and took Nora in his arms.

"Let's go have some ice-cream." At this, Nora's eyes sparkled and she kissed Nathan's cheek, thanking him.

"We will bring some for Mommy too!" She exclaimed and jumped in Nathan's arms as I smiled at their interaction

"Have fun!" Nora waved at me as Nathan winked as he always does while walking out of the door.

I turned to face Lydia who was almost done and offered to help. The upstairs wasn't that bad and we were done, quickly. I told Lydia to take the rest of the day off so she could spend some time with Conner. In between, they both got together after spending a lot of time together in the house. Conner left the job as a bodyguard and is now working in a shooting range teaching.

Dr. Reene sadly, passed away last year leaving a great sorrow for us as he was like one of our family. He wrote quite some letters for us so we would never feel his absence but yet its still not the same. I would always remember him as a great father figure in my life.

My mother and father got back together right after our marriage and are happily living together. All was good for everyone and I was delighted about it.

I laid on the chair as I watched the T.V and without intending to, I fell asleep.


I felt something soft touching my cheek as I scratched the surface, I felt a hand intertwined their fingers with mine. Opening my eyes, I glanced at the smirking Nathan.

"When did I get here?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes, looking at my surrounding to find myself in our bedroom.

"You fell asleep on the chair, so I brought you in. You must be tired," He said as he kissed my cheeks and moving closer to my lips making me giggle.

"Not now, where is Nora?" I asked.

"Sleeping peacefully in her room." He said as he gave me a knowing look. I rolled my eyes as he continued, "She really one of those kids who sleeps a lot." I nodded my head in agreement as I laid back in Nathan's arms. His chin on top of my forehead and arms around my waist while my half body laid in top of his torso.

"Everything is so peaceful now," I stated as he hummed.

"I like it this way, no more drama." Nathan pointed out.

"I am glad to have you," I said. We stayed quite for a while before he spoke all of a sudden.

"Remember the time you seduced me to go to the club?" My face flushed and turned color as I hit his hand making him laugh.

"Why are you bringing up the past?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, let's not forget the part where you got drunk." I face palmed myself as Nathan kept thinking of times when I screwed up!

"Shut up!" I tried to get out of his hold but couldn't as he wrapped himself tight around me.

"My all favorite is when you to meet Valeria and Bella to find how to make babies'." My eyes widened as I didn't realize that he knew. He was so quiet at that time and asked to sleep and- Oh god, this guy!

"You kept staring at me, your cheeks were so red that I knew right away." He whispered as I bit my lip and closed my eyes not wanting to make eye contact.

"You know, I asked you to sleep because I was turned on beyond imagination and didn't know how to get rid of it." His voice came out husky and I cleared my throat feeling goosebumps rise on my skin.

"Just like how I am right now-" At that moment, I jumped out of his arms and yelling at him to 'shut up' as I ran to the washroom, slamming the door behind me.

"I will get you, once you come out." I rolled my eyes feeling like we are back to how we were, the blushing and sneaky remarks. I chuckled as a tear slide my eyes. I won't change a thing as how things turned out.

"Why don't you just come in?" I teased him through the door and peeking through the door.

"That's my little minx." He said as he welcomed himself in.


And that's the end of it

I won't be uploading anymore of this story here. And new story is coming up in a few weeks. My story will be removed by 29th March so if you all want to read it, better to read it before 29th.

I love you all, Thank you for this amazing journey. Wouldn't be able to be here without you all.

Once I take down the story, only 5 chapters will be available and the link to find the story in a different website.

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