Chap # 24 "Mom?"

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Nathan Rivera's POV

"I am so excited! This is my first time in a airplane." She exclaimed while humping on her seat as we just took our seats which was first class, I wanted Janet to experience alot. She still had the world to see.

"Are you nervous?" She turned to me with her eyes shining and that beautiful smile etched to her face.

"I am too excited to be nervous right now." I laughed as she blushed but faced the window and looked out. The airplane was about to take off as we all buckled up while Janet held my hand in hers. She was a little bit nervous and I could see that but her fear was no match the enthusiasm. When the plane took off she took deep breaths but her eyes sparkled. Her hand tightened around mine but she loosened as soon we were on air. She looked out of the window again and awed as she pulled my hand to look out. I kept my eyes on her, watching the way her smile grew, her eyes shimmering in the bright blue sky. I could just kiss those lips right now.

"I am so happy right now. I love you so much." She slowly turned towards me and caught me staring at her. She blushed deep as I took her lips in mine, smooching them while she tried to pull away. I knew she never wants to kiss in public but who cares.

"Nathan." She quietly shrieked as I rolled my eyes amd pulled away not before giving her a peck on her cheek.

We landed in California because her father wanted to meet her and then we would go to Maldives. I booked an apartment with 2 bedroom because her father wants to stay for a day and I couldn't refuse. It was afternoon and I was real hungry we both got ourselves some breakfast and headed straight to the apartment. Although we weren't tired but took a little nap and then we decided to watch a movie since her dad would be showing up at evening.

During the movie, one thing lead to another and soon I was on top of her and slowing one by one taking every article of clothing off. She was breathing hard as I licked and kissed her neck. I sucked on her hard as she moaned as clutched my shoulder. Her hands ran through my naked back and then up towards my hair, running her fingers through my scalp.

"Nathan, y- you are goin- going to leave a mark!" She hissed as I continued with it. Fuck, I almost forgot her father was going to be here. I pulled back and watched those precious marks.

"You can wear a scarf." I smirked as she hit my chest with the black of her hand. Her eyes gazed at me, with her cheeks, pink as a beetroot and lips red as blood. I studied her body, the way her breast moved in a slow rhythm, up and down making me want to rip that bra off and devour those nipples. Her legs interviewed with mine as the movie was the background music.

"Can I take this off?" I asked her innocently as I traced the edges of her bra making her shiver. After a moment of getting embarrassed she nodded but I wasn't taking that for an answer.

"My love, I want you to say it." She closed her eyes but whispered an 'yes' really low.

"Yes what?" I pressed my body more into her as she gasped when I grinded myself into her.

"Yes Nathan." I chuckled as she still had her eyes closed. I kissed her eyelids and buckled up against her once again.

"Baby, say yes Nathan I want you to take my bra off." Her eyes widened as she started hitting me while I caught her wrist and cuffed them over her head.

"Say it." I demanded as she turned into a tomato but shook her head as I raised an eyebrow. After a while staring she let out a defeat sigh and spoke.

"I want you to take my bra off." She said in a really low voice as I couldn't help chuckle as I was starting to get turned on by her innocence.

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