Chap # 28 "Your Mom is a cock blocker!"

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Nathan Rivera's POV

"Take care of yourself, I will visit you soon." Sean kissed Janet's forehead as she smiled brightly. Sean was leaving since he had some business work to finish and couldn't stay longer.

"Call me, okay?" Janet nodded her head as he hugged her tightly, then finally let go as Riley rolled her eyes making me chuckle. Sean and I did a handshake as he left the room making Riley sighed in relief.

"Finally, that piece of garbage is gone." I couldn't help myself and laughed hard as she smiled.

"That piece of garbage is my father and I won't like it if you speak like that about him." Janet interrupted as she had a frown on her face.

"That was my husband once. I know that you still love him Janet and I won't try to change it but after what I have gone through because of him, I will never forgive him. You and I maybe are alike but not all." Riley explained as she took Janet's hand in hers.

"Its okay, I understand you," Janet said with a nod as Riley smiled at her, grateful.

"Anyways I need to sleep now. I am really tired after going to all these places." She breathed out as I chuckled, internally and winked at her making her roll her eyes at me, hiding her blush. She actually couldn't sleep last night, because I kept her up with our 'makeout session'.

"Good night," Riley said as she yawned.

"I'll join you soon," I told her as she stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. I walked over to the alcohol cabinet and took out one bottle. Taking out the glasses, I poured one for me and Riley.

"Thank you." She said with a smile as I passed her the glass. We both were silent for a while, sipping our drink until she spoke.

"I feel like I am talking to your mother when you talk. I still remember the little you." She suddenly spoke and laughed as she stared at me making me blush.

"That adorable little boy who followed her mother everywhere she go." I shook my head as she told me every little detail about me and my mom. We kept talking for a while before she patted my shoulder.

"So the hospital is in your name now?" She questioned as we chugged another glass.

"Yeah. I had to take over early." I told her as she hummed.

"I trust you with my daughter. I know you will be the one who she needs the most." I nodded my head.

"And I trust you with everything going on. Me and Janet will try to talk to Sean." I told her as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"You don't need too. I would love if he rot in jail, he deserves it." Her eyes flared up with anger and hatred as I sighed.

"He doesn't know the whole truth. He isn't behind all this." I explained to her as she scoffed.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually behind all of this with Seirra." She said through her gritted teeth as I shook my head while she took the bottle and started drinking the alcohol from the bottle itself.

"He is not. I looked into his profile and there wasn't anything suspicious and he was also the one who brought Janet to me." She turned to face me with a confused expression.

"He brought Janet to you?" She pointed a finger at me as I nodded my head at her making her smile smugly.

"I am surprised." She took another swing as she tapped her finger on the table.

"If you can check his profile, you can check mine." She raised an eyebrow at me as if she knew that I did check her profile.

"Umm, I actually did check your profile. I just wanted to know where were you after Janet got kidnapped. I was just trying to keep her safe." I explained to her as she hummed really loudly, the alcohol kicking in.

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