Chap # 10 "I trust you."

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This is the MEGA update.

And I want to thank all the readers who have commented so far. They all are so sweet! I love you. And the silent readers are also awesome.

Anyways enjoy reading.

Nathan Rivera's POV

"Why do you need her to go with you?" I argued as she glared at me.

"Because I want to get to know her well. Plus she would just be bored at home." She said as she rolled her eyes at me.

"No, I am taking her to the hospital with me." She narrowed her eyes at me, challenging me as I did the same.

"Tea is here." I broke the staring contest and turned to that angelic voice.

"Oh thank you so much. Your hands are made of magic." Bella exclaimed as Janet blushed at her comment.

"Janet, have you gone to the mall?" Bella asked Janet as we all sat on the seats in our garden. Janet poured the tea for us as she stood right beside me, while I enjoyed the view. I mean the garden not her cute ass. She hummed in a 'yes' as she placed two cubes of sugar in my cup. I thanked her as she gave me my cup, she passed Bella hers and sat back on her seat, beside me.

"Well I was thinking why don't you come with me to the mall, since Nathan will be at the hospital we both can have fun. Best friends time!" Janet turned to face me as if she was asking me which surprised me.

"If Nathan is fine with it then I can go." Janet spoke as she sipped her tea. Bella turned her evil eyes at me as I smirked.

"We don't have to ask his permission." Bella hissed as I chuckled.

"Sure you can go." I said as I faced Janet, whose face suddenly ignited with happiness.

"Thank you." Janet mumbled as Bella was confused by my sudden change of plans. Yes, I wanted Janet to be with me at the hospital but she needs to spend sometime with Bella too, to get to know her. She can't be with me 24/7 even though I want her to be in my arms, always.


"Call me whenever there is any problem. And for the love of God, drive safely." I told her, irritated by her as I watched her getting in the car.

"I will, don't get your underwear in a twist." I rolled my eyes at her words as Janet walked out of the front door wearing those tight jeans that Bella made her wear and that red crop top. Shit! I hope no guys ogle at her and please pray for my blue balls.

"Take care, okay?" I told her as she stared at me, smiling and nodded. I leaned forward and kissed her forehead and let my lips stay there as I savored the moment which was ruined by the horn of Bella's car.

"Come on you love birds! You do this after I leave from your house." She said still honking the car. I groaned as I watched Janet's cheek getting red.

"Bye" She whispered as she walked towards Bella's car. I saw Bella smirking as I narrowed my eyes at her. I knew she honked the car because annoying the shit out of me was and is her job since childhood.

"Bye brother." She yelled as she reversed the car out of the garage and went along the road. I signed as I hoped Janet will be safe with her.

Janet Rivera's POV

"Okay first I need some dresses and then lastly we need to go to the lingerie shop." Bella said as I suddenly got confused. I did not know what lingerie was. I never learned that word.

"I need to get new ones and I will buy some for you too with obviously, Nathan credit card. And also I need some clothes, being manager of a writing company is not so easy. You always need to remain professional and up to fashion" She kept talking as I listened, she was a fun company. Bella was beautiful though, she looked more like Nathan. Same eyes and hair color, and they both were tall. I mean, Nathan was taller but still, her legs were lean and slender. She was confident.

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