Chap # 22 "Turn around."

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Hey bitches... fucking comment for gods sake.

Read the note at the end!

Janet Rivera's POV

I snuggled closer to the warmth and tried to go back to sleep but I knew Nathan has work today. I slowly creeped open my eyes as they meet with a handsome face. My husband's handsome face, as his lips apart and hair ruffled making him look adorable. My mind went to the events of last night as my cheeks heated up. I can't believe he did that to me, I could still feel the way his hands roamed around my body, the way his tongue worked magic on me. There must be hickeys all over my breast and neck. And then it hit me, I was naked. And I was hugging Nathan while he was naked too! Wait, he didn't take his clothes off last night then why was his shirt off.

When I looked up at him, I saw his diamond blue eyes staring at me making my own widened. That smirk was bound to appear across his face as my cheeks heated up turning into a light pink.

"Good Morning." His voice hoarse making him seem more handsome, his hair sticking out everywhere and his chest peeked from the sheets. I covered myself with the duvet as much as I could as only my face was shown to him.

"Morning. Don't you have work today?" I told him as I didn't meet his eyes and tried to find a reason for him to leave the bed first.

"I don't have work today." Oh no, no, no! He all of sudden moved closer to me. Making his chest pressed into mine while my back hit the bed. He caged me with his body and snuggled his face in my neck as goose bumps arose all over my body.

"Let's stay in bed all day." I was naked and I know he could feel my body. His hands took a place on my waist making it harder for me to think.

"Nat- Nathan?" I stuttered as his finger drew circles on the side of my waist while he traced his lips over my neck. He hummed as I spoke again.

"Can you at least let me dress." He pulled back suddenly and stared at me with his mischief eyes.

"Whats wrong with not wearing a dress? I saw it all already." He suddenly pulled a little away and tried to look between us. I yelped and pulled him back to my body as his body slammed right on top of me. He chuckled and winked at me making me turn into a beetroot.

"Nathan!" I pleaded as he sighed and then extended his arm towards something and then wrapped the other arm around my waist and pulled me together with him as I was on his lap with the duvet long gone. I shut my eyes as I hid my face in his chest. I felt a cloth draped around my shoulder.

"Wear this, I am not looking." He told me as I looked up to find his eyes closed with his hand over it. I quickly tried to wear the cloth and that was Nathan's shirt. Well, its better than nothing.

"Done." I mumbled as he faced me and smiled making my heart beat faster. Without wasting a second, he again pushed me back on the bed and snuggled closer to me. His chin was on top of my head, his legs interwined with my own and his arms wrapped around my waist as my hands stayed on his chest. He kissed my forehead and tightened his hold as he went into a slumber. I couldn't help but smile as I thought that such a big guy would ever want cuddles. It's kind of amusing.

Within a few minutes as I was exploring my thoughts, my mind went hazy and sleep took over me.


"Nathan, get up!" I kept shaking him, trying to wake him up so that I could get out of his suffocating hold. He hummed but didn't loosened his hold. I tried everything, tickle him, push him away and even tried to squeeze out but couldn't.

"Stop that, what do you want?" Nathan grumbled with his eyes still closed.

"We have an appointment with Dr. Renne in 1 hour and I need to take a shower." His eyes snapped open and stared at me for a few second before his lips formed into a smirk.

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