Chap # 27 "Bedroom now."

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Nathan Rivera's POV

"Oh well, your dad and mom says they both got sick at the same time, looks like they had fun last night." I said as I winked at Janet making her roll her eyes.

"Aren't you shipping them too much?" She spoke with her arms crossed over her chest making me enjoy the view. "The weather was a bit chilly last night so they got sick, my mom would rather punch herself than be with dad again." She said with a sad smile.

"I know. But don't you see, neither of them are wrong. Its just your dad is blinded by lies and he is not going to listen to any of us." I told her as I sat on the couch beside her. She sighed heavily and nodded her head whilst laying her head on my shoulder making my arm go around her.

"Soon enough we will try to tell him. How about we both go out today?" She exclaimed as she faced me with her bright smile.

"I got an idea, dress up we are going out on a date." I said as I kissed her cheek and got up with her beside me.

"So should I wear something fancy?"

"Well yeah, you would look gorgeous in anything or nothing at all." She blushed as I smirked at her, hitting my chest she walked past me to the bedroom.

"I am taking a shower." She slammed the door after saying it as I couldn't help wanting to go after her but stopped myself. Let her enjoy for now.

Janet Rivera's POV

I was done with the shower and dried my hair with the blower. I walked out towards the suitcase, took out the black lingerie I bought. I think it's time. I felt myself shiver as I wore the black lace. It was smooth so I was comfortable in it. Taking out the dress I bought with it, when I examined it, I was having second thoughts.

Isn't it too short?

Arrghh... There is no going back now, I wore the dress and let my hair flowy as it could cover up my shoulder. I wore makeup all over my shoulders and legs, covering up the bruises and then finally done my face a simple look. When I was done, I was proud of how I looked, grateful that I didn't mess up my make up.

 When I was done, I was proud of how I looked, grateful that I didn't mess up my make up

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I wore my heels and then got a text from Nathan.

Downstairs by 7 😉

I smiled at the text as I glanced at the time, only 10 mins left.

Be there in a min.

I wrote him back as I took a hold of the purse and quickly locked the door of the apartment. It would be hard to use the stairs so I took the elevator and reached over to the main lobby. I looked around to find him but I couldn't.

"Looking for me?" I turned to face the man of my dreams in a black leather jacket with blue jeans looking ravishing as always. I shook my head and blushed as I tried to think straight.

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