Chap # 35 "Merry Christmas!"

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Janet Rivera's POV

Slightly opening my eyes, I found myself in a very flashy white room. I felt a sting in my left arm, with tight cloth wrapped around my whole body. It pained badly, I felt like being in a enclosed room, I couldn't breathe. I tried to push the heavy blanket off me and tried to take out the stingy pin out of my arm but was stopped by a hand clasping my wrist making pain eject all over my body. There were voices all around the room but I couldn't understand any, as if all were blurred. My vision betrayed me and didn't wish to adjust the environment. I felt another sting and my eyes started to feel heavy once more, my knees gave out making me fall into the deep slumber.

Nathan Rivera's POV

I rubbed my eyes for the tenth time getting annoyed at every single person or thing around me. I decided to get Janet to home, since the last time she wasn't feeling well and tried to get out of there, creating a chaos. She would feel safer and comfy in our house. She was placed on our bed as I watched a nurse take care of her bruises and changed the bandages. I could do that easily but they didn't let me saying I wasn't feeling good and it will be hard for me. The thing is that it's worse for me and I should be the one helping her but they don't understand a thing. I am frustrated right now that I can't do anything.

"Mr. Rivera, her bandages are fixed and the medicine she need to eat is placed on the table with the timing on this list." She handed me the list as she took her bag and started walking out of the room.

"Won't you be looking after her all night?" She turns to face me with a look of confusion.

"Aren't you a doctor yourself, I think you would do a better job than me." She said and finally walked out. Well I am glad, she did. I wouldn't be able to handle her for long. I stepped towards my love as she laid asleep with the Propofol injected in her. I sat on the chair beside her and I took her delicate hand in mine, kissing it softly as if it might break.

"I am sorry, I thought I would be able to protect you but I couldn't do it." I licked my lips as I started talking to her as if she could hear me. "I wish I could just end this before it went too far, I wish I could do something to stop this but the what I truly wish for is that you never walked into the kitchen that day. I can't help myself blaming you. I was scared so, so much. I thought I would never be able to see you. and now the bruises I finally thought vanished have returned as if they belong there. THEY DON'T!" My hands started shaking as my tears fell non stop. I stood up and walked away from her.

She caused us pain and yet she lives! I want to kill her so badly! I held the railing of our balcony as I watched the starry sky remembering our first date, we danced below it. How wonderful that day was as I started falling deeply in love with her. I took a bottle of bourbon and gulped my sorrow as I watched the trees dancing with the wind, they are enjoying our downfall. I don't remember how long I sat in the cold, but long enough to make me catch a cold. As I went back I saw her sitting on the bed with her face blank and eyes staring at the wall. She looked like a person who was dead inside.

Walking towards her, I threw the bottle in the trash can making a loud thud as she faced me. Her eyes screamed fear as her fingers intertwined with each other making her look her a little prey.

"N- Nathan?" I sat right beside her as I knew she was getting scared by my lack of talking. I held up my hand to caress her cheek but stopped when she flinched. Its as if all the steps we took together came crumbling down as we fell right back to where we started.

"Are you afraid of me now?" I asked her as I cleared my throat. Her eyes softened as she shook her head to my question. I once again held my hand up and she let me caress her cheek. Scooting closer, I pulled her closer to me, being careful not to hurt her delicate body. Soon enough her sobs echoed around the room, her tears soaked my shirt, as she clutched it in a fist. She cried while gasping making a few tears slide down my cheeks.

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