Chap # 31 "I spit on your apology."

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Janet Rivera's POV

"How are you now? Did you get yourself checked?" I talked into the phone as I sat on the sofa. I winced a little due to the pain I felt in my lower region after last night. It was something unexpected and I feel so ashamed that I enjoyed it. Although, Nathan said that it was no big deal.

"I'm doing better and yes, I did go for check up. What about you? Is Nathan okay. I'm sorry for causing any trouble." She said as she sounded guilty.

"No, no you didn't do anything wrong, it was just in the heat of the moment. We were already having some problems and we let it take the best of us." I explained it to her as she hummed.

"So, what's the big deal with your aunt and everything?" Bella asked her voice close to whispering as if she didn't want anyone to hear.

"Not that good, but not to bad either." I told her. The bell rang and I already knew who it was. Walking towards the front door, I said my farewell to Bella and swung the door open. My father, who looked as if as if he hasn't slept in days faced me, his face soon lighten up.

"Are you all right father? Why do you look so weak?" He shook his head and walked in as I, soon followed behind him.

"We'll talk about that later but first, tell me where is Nathan?" He grabbed my shoulder and made me sit on the couch with him.

"He's in the room, he'll right here in a moment." I answered him as he took my hand in his rough and wrinkly ones.

"What exactly happened two day ago, why was I not informed?" I was about to speak but was cut off by Nathan's voice.

"Because you won't listen even if she did tell you." Nathan stood firmly with his arms crossed over his chest making him look intimidating.

"Janet tell him, what happened." My eyes shifted between them as I gulped and cleared my throat, dad's eyes waiting for my explanation.

"Aunt Sierra came for me and threatened me." I informed father without any hesitation. Father stared at me in disbelief and disappointment, no words coming out of him.

"Keep going Janet." Nathan encouraged me as I didn't know what father was feeling.

"She told me if I don't go with her, she will hurt Nathan. I had a bodyguard with me and he got injured."

He laughed as my eyes stared at him in disbelief. I was so confused as Nathan seemed angry with his fist clenched.

"You cannot be serious right now. Sierra was by my side, the whole day." My eyes widened as I couldn't believe that my dad was with this evil woman, the one who tortured me to the worst.

"I'm your daughter, how could you do this? What's wrong with you? She must have walked out from you, you should believe me!" I was furious as Nathan stepped towards me and just in a moment pulled my father from his collar.

"You are a fucking piece of shit, she just told you everything. You are making the same fucking mistake again, just like you didn't trust your wife. You ruined her life and blamed her for every fucking thing. In all this mess you ruined your daughter's life as well. Let me tell you this Sean, I will throw you behind bars along with your precious sister if anything happens to Janet." He threw father back, as he landed on the table with a thud. My father eyes were wide open as I went to his side to steady him while Nathan went over to Moms room. After a moment, he brought her outside with his hand clamped over her wrist, dragging her.

"Nathan, what are you doing?" She shrieked as Nathan made her stand near my dad.

"Did you cheat on your husband, when you both were married?" Nathan asked her making me stare up at him in confusion.

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