Chap # 2 "Why are you crying?"

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Ian Somerhalder as Nathan Rivera... To be honest I just googled the 'Hottest guys' and came up with him. HE IS DAMN!! Even the previous gif was of him.

And Janet Robert or may I say Janet Rivera is Nina Dobrev. I first thought of Victoria Justice but then again most GIFs were of both of them plus they both almost look the same.
Its not like you have to go with these faces, you can imagine it on your own.
I just love making cast.

Happy reading...

Nathan Rivera's POV

One whole week passed, I tried to talk to her but no luck. We were following the same stupid routine. First, she would make us breakfast, we'd have it together with an awkward silent and then I'd go to work. When I'd come at two, she would be sleeping so I would just sit beside her and watch her sleep as I pulled my pull out laptop and work.

I know, creepy !

She would always busy herself with household chores so much so that it started to annoy me.

After having dinner, I would wait for her in the bedroom but she would come so late that sleep always consumes me. Today was the last straw.

I will talk to her today !

I tried getting out of bed to go for breakfast but my head started to ache. Usually I never have breakfast like this, but I thought it would be better to have breakfast in the bed. Maybe she will feel more comfortable with me this way.

"Janet!" I called for her as she rushed and stood at the door, with her head down. I swear it annoyed me more than anything else, it made me look like some devil commanding her. I liked her shyness but not the complete submission to me.

"Can I have my breakfast in bed," I smiled politely at her. "I'm not feeling too well, bring yours upstairs too."

I tried to break the ice but her stare was etched to the ground as she nodded and left without making a sound.

I didn't tell her to make me food, she would do that on her own and it surprised me. The house was always tidy, the kitchen spotless and the food warm and tasty, as always since she came. She was nothing like those fancy girls who would sit around and do nothing but look pretty and I was grateful for that. But this just made me feel like I hired a maid.

She came back with a tray as I positioned myself upright with my back against the headboard. All of a sudden, she tripped and the tray slipped from her hands. I quickly got up to rush to her aid but what she did stopped me in my steps and shook me to my core.

"NO NO," she pleaded with a shaky voice. "I'M SO SORRY, IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN !!"

She hastily picked up the broken glass pieces with her bare hands, causing them to bleed. I quickly reached out for her wrist, pulling her towards me and away from danger. As she got suddenly pulled, her body became unstable and to catch her I grabbed her from her noticeably thing wrist and pulled her gently as she sobbed. Her body was ever so stiff and tensed.

She continued to cry as my hold around her tightened a bit more. I waited as her cries became less intense and turned into gentle sobs, waiting for her body to relax in my hands. I caressed her cheek as my eyes narrowed with hundred of thoughts swirling my mind.

Why did she act like this? Came the unanswerable questions in my head. What kind of trauma is she facing? What is that's related to her but I'm unaware of ?

Janet Robert's POV

I was sweating profusely as I sat up in my bed. I took a few breaths while looking around and laid back down slowly, trying to forget the nightmare I had. The tears weren't stopping but I had to control myself before he wakes up.

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