Chap # 8 "You are ticklish?"

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OH MY GOD! I HAVE 1110 VIEWS. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! I need a moment to thank all of you! The silent readers, the voters EVERYONE. Thank you so much! I love you from the heart and I am seriously about to cry right now. I never knew I would go to 1000 views.

Anyways Enjoy reading.

Janet Rivers's POV

He came home early today from work and I was grateful as he looked happy. He walked towards me and held my hands in his. We made the choice to forgot the scene that happened yesterday as he held me in his arms today morning.

He was staring at me with that silly smile on his face as I curiously watched him, waiting for him to speak.

"Janet?" He spoke.

"Yes?" I whispered.

"Go on a date with me?" He said so softly that I felt my heart melt.

"Date?" I asked, confused.

"A date is when two people go out to get to know each other. Mostly couples who are married or in a relationship." He explained to me as he slowly pulled me closer. His hands now held my waist as I felt tingles all over my body.

"Okay I will go." I agreed as his grin widened and his eyes sparkled.

"Really?" He asked as I nodded.

"Umm... So I will explain how it goes." I nodded again as he continued.

"You go with Lydia as she will help you change and I will be ready at seven so we can leave, okay?" He said.

"Okay." I answered him as he finally let me go making me miss his warmth.

"I'll be out. I need some things to do." He informed me as I looked at him, confused.

"What things?" I asked, not wanting him to leave.

"You will know later. And don't waste time." He replied as he cupped my cheek in his large and warm hand. "Lydia?" He called her as she came a few seconds later.

"Yes sir?"

"Get Mrs. Rivera ready for a fancy date. Will you?" Lydia walked closer to me as she held my arm.

"Yes sir." Lydia mocked and grinned as she pulled me towards the bedroom. I turned back to Nathan to see him watching me with a half smile as he winked at me making me blush. I lost sight of him when the bedroom door closed as Lydia made me sit on a stool.

"Ma'am, you don't know how much I wanted to do this." She gushed as I smiled at her. "You two are the most cutest couple I have ever known." I giggled and blushed at her comment as she opened the drawers of the dressing table and started taking out boxes.

"I will start with make up and then your dress. How about a minimum make up? You are already so beautiful." She talked so much as I laughed.

"Thanks. You can do what you think is good. I have never used makeup." She curiously looks at me but does not question as she does her work. I never wore makeup because I never knew how to. I did use lipsticks, that I also wore at my wedding. Its simple and elegant, the way I prefer things.

She picked out a red dress which was choose by Nathan as I wore it with some black legging. The dress was gorgeous. I let my hair loose as I always did. The makeup was done so beautifully by Lydia that I kept thanking her. I did a one last look in the mirror and I looked really different as I smiled at myself while thanking how my life has turned.

She left saying that she be here tomorrow to see how did the date go. When she left I got hungry, all of a sudden as I sat in the kitchen while eating some chocolate cookies and waiting for him. It was almost seven by now, where was he?

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