Chap # 36 "Drop it or she loses her life."

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Janet Rivera's POV

"Is it paining?" Nathan asked as I bit my lip while he tried to apply the medicine on my back. The bruises and the cuts were slowly healing but it still needed some attention to cure properly. I hissed as he started putting the bandage around my back. He tried to comfort me but I was still in pain, every single limb in my body hurts.

"Shh, it will be alright." Nathan has taken 4 months leave from the hospital as Derek is taking care of the hospital finance. Bella and Valeria comes to visit twice a week. Its been 2 weeks since everything as Nathan has gotten more possessive than ever. He has installed camera's all over the house and only he gets to watch them, security guards are all around the house since my aunt hasn't been caught. Worst from all this is that Nathan has literally chained me to the bed. He wouldn't allow me to take a single step out of the room. I noticed he was afraid that I would leave him, just like how I did and I didn't think it through. I learned my lesson from this, I broke his trust and lost our baby because of my carelessness.

"Nathan, can you please take this off today? I will be right here with you." He eyed me for a while debating with himself as he sighed and took the keys out of his pocket, unlocking the cuff that was over my ankle, it wasn't hurting but it was a big bothersome. He kissed my forehead and then handed me the knife he had with him. He has been giving me a lot of these to protect myself and I every time I stuff them in the drawer at my side.

"Keep it with you. If anything happens don't hesitate to use it. Where is the taser I gave you?" I pointed towards the side drawer as he huffed and went over to get it. He placed it on a little space in between the bed and side table along with the gun and some pocket knives.

"Keep it here so you have access to it easily." He stared at me and gulped trying to think of something but all he did was closed his eyes and sat beside me. He turned on the T.V, while scrolling through the list of movie and played an animated one for us. He took some pillow to make me comfortable and cuddled with me while we got engrossed in the movie.

Nothing happened so far with the case, I was almost getting better but Nathan was getting worse day by day. I could see the dark under eyes, the scruffy beard, he didn't even take a bath for a week. He was in the room with me for 2 whole weeks. Taking in calls, looking through reports and making sure I was getting the good treatment and food. I feel like a burden but I don't know how to explain it to him that I can take care of myself. I need to fix this cause everything was my fault.

Nathan Rivera's POV

Everything is my fault, if I was a tad bit smarter she wouldn't have slipped off easily. She would have still be fine with the child in her belly. I should have dig deeper in what was actually going on in Janet's past. But I turned a blind eye.

I want to shoot that woman till I am satisfied, torture her for all the years she tortured my love. She deserves to be left to be eaten by wolves. She should-

Janet snored adorably as I snickered and pulled her closer, brushing my thoughts away. It was midnight already and we have been doing nothing except staying in. Maybe I should go out for a walk with her. She can't walk, and what if something happens when she is there with no sorts of protection. I didn't want to take any risks but staying in wasn't a good idea either.


It was midnight when I got a call from an unknown number. I wanted to ignore it but the inner gut in me wanted to know who was calling me at this hour and why? I picked it up and then heard the beeping sound. My signal were fine but the beep was indicating that the call couldn't connect. I walked towards the door and went in the living room when the call still couldn't connect and that's when I realized that it wasn't a beep indicating that the connection was disturbed but the beep was actually coming from the call. Goosebumps ran across my body and when I ran back to the room. I saw a figure standing over Janet's body with a gun pointed on her head. She was sleeping peacefully without knowing what was happening and that made me want to grab that bitch by her neck and keep smashing her head to the wall. I pulled my gun out as well and pointed it her way.

"Drop it or she loses her life." I chuckled a little louder so Janet could wake up and realize the situation.

"How about you drop it? Don't want to lose your precious life now, don't you?" I said clutching the pistol tighter and took a step closer to her.

Her hands were trembling and by her dirty clothes I could tell that she had no where to go. She was blooded and shivering bad with the cold outside.

"I already lost everything, I am not leaving alone. I will take her with me, and the hearts of all you who loved her." She said groggily with the pistol in her hands shaking, slightly. From the corner of my eye, I realized that Janet had her eyes slightly open, I wanted her to take the gun or anything from the corner of her bed and shoot this bitch.

"Before that you have to go over me." I spoke with a smirk. "Your obsession with your brother made you into a sociopath." I tried to keep up with the topic so she doesn't turn to Janet side. Janet realized her situation and took the first thing that came to her hand. I smirked and was glad that the gun was loaded. I could tell her hands were shaking even from the darkness, when my eyes meet the psycho's, she narrowed her eyes and turned to Janet. Without thinking twice a gunshot rang around the house, I had no silencer so if anyone heard the gunshot. They would call the police first and follow the sound. In a second everyone was in the room, I quickly went over Janet who was crying and trying to remove the groaning body from over her. She finally succeeded and I saw the bitch taking her last breaths as I took out my gun and shot her till my gun was out of ammo.

She should just die, die for what she did, die for ever thinking that she could get away with taking the freedom from a little girl, taking the happiness from a lovely couple. She was nothing but a darkness that didn't let anyone see their correct path, not letting anyone reach their destination. She was nothing good, pure evil and people like her are forgotten and vanished like thin air.

Janet jumped into my arms as she cried and I held her waist as she could not stand on her feet for too long. I kept staring at the dead body and didn't realize I had tears coming out of my eyes. We held each other for a while, as the body guards took care of the body and the police was on their way. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I saw the blood on Janet's dress.

I was glad to see the blood, it gave me satisfactions that it was that psycho's blood. To see she suffered and died a lonely and hellish death. I felt at peace.



Yeah I just vanished, all of a sudden. The story has only one chapter and then the epilogue left. So there will be a time skip. And that's all. I am still deleting story one month after I upload the epilogue. I am sorry its just some reasons. I will posting a new story by the end of March so stay tuned.

*Yeets out*

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