Chap # 33 "P-please I-I beg yo-you. Leav-e me."

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Hey babes,

Mature Content: If you all aren't good with abuse and violence, then don't read were I marked.

Nathan Rivera's POV

We reached the location pretty quick, Drake and his men mostly destroyed the house and found the bastard hiding under the bed. We were currently in Drake's warehouse, beating the shit out of the man to get answers. I kept my eyes on the laptop all day, Janet was eating lunch with Riley and I was glad nothing wrong happened. I saw the way Janet was all day as if she was tired and exhausted. I wish I could hug her right now but this has to be done.

"I DON'T KNOW!" The man screamed in pain as I cringed at the way Drake dumped cold water over him, or when he pulled out his nails one by one. He yelled and screamed as Drake laughed over his face. Sadistic ass.

"Thats it, clip his dick to his thigh 20 times and then chop it off." He ordered to one of his men as they didnt hesitate and grabbed the strapler of the table that contained with many other tools.

"W-wait! I-I know one of the places she goes to." He spoke as his lips were injured badly. Blood trickling down his mouth and throat with a mixture of his saliva. I walked closer to them as the man spoke, his shirt was ripped open and many many bruises over his chest and face, water dripping from his chest onto the ground mixing with the blood

"Bark!" Drake yelled, annoyed.

"It's i-in the outskirts of the city, towards the east, its atleast 100 miles away from here. She goes there every week through the main road and then a left but I don't exactly know w-where it is." Drake kicked him in the face and cursed as he turned to face me.

"Kill him. And let's go." The guy kept screaming as I heard the last bang, I took the laptop and viewed it to find Janet going into our room. We were walking in his car as I placed the laptop in the back seat and walked over to Drake.

"How can we be sure she is in there? He said she goes there once a week." I said as he rubbed his face.

"Its worth the try." At that exact moment, my phone rang and I quickly picked it up when I saw the caller ID.

"They are here, come back now!!" I heard Riley whisper-yelled before the call cut. I dashed towards the laptop and watched the rooms to find that bitch entering with men around her. I quickly switched the camera and found Riley pushing Janet out of the kitchen door while someone pulled Riley back and she was dragged along the ground towards the bitch.

"Get in now!" I yelled as Drake signalled his men something as we all got into the car rushing towards the house. As I switched the camera I watched men all around the house trashing things that bitch shoot Riley on her leg, my blood boiled as I tried to hold myself together. My mind was at ease that atleast Janet ran away.

"Thats a nasty bitch. Reed race quickly there, just go no need to wait for the traffic." Drake spoke as the driver nodded his head as the car started to accelerate fast. My heart pounding inside my chest with my every breath.

"Switch the cameras," Drake told me as I did and stopped once I noticed Janet walk back in the kitchen, she looked around and quickly took the knife in her tiny hands.

What the fuck is she doing?

"Shit!! Are we any closer?" I cursed as I watched her walk into the room where Riley and that whore stood.

Fucking hell Janet, for the love of me go back!!

I wish I could stop her but I was helpless, the memory of her eyes that I stared at when she didn't want me to leave washed over me. I thought coming here would have been better but now I know, what a fucked up idea that was.

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