Chap # 18 "Do you love me?"

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Janet Rivera's POV

"How did you get in?" I mumbled trying to act tough. Whatever fright I had for her will be no more, she is nothing, she can't do anything to me as long as I have Nathan.

"You need to learn to lock the front door." She stated as she walked around the living room as if she owns it. "Did you heard your mother begging? What a worthless little woman she was. How helpless she is now. She is alive not death, got quite a power. She never deserved my brother, she was a bitch!" She hissed as a new emotion went through me. Anger. How dare she?

This woman was a psychopath, she thinks she is winning this when she is not. I have Nathan and then I will find my mother and this devil would be send to jail. She can do nothing. I kept telling myself as I faced her and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Enjoying your life in the luxury, huh? Got anything for your aunt? No?" I glared at her as she walked towards me with a glint in her eyes.

"I don't have much to talk. I was just visiting my niece. Checking if she was fine. Oh, and I wanted to inform you, that I miss you." I had a blank expression, I will not be terrified of her like I used too as she talked smugly and was about to trip. She was drunk again, not much of a surprise though.

"Listen to me you little brat and listen carefully. You come back to me and if you don't, there will be consequences. And that could lead to your precious husband into danger." Her face was inches away from mine as a little fear consumed me when she talked about Nathan. I can't even see a scratch on Nathan. I would take all of those abuses if Nathan would be safe.

"You should go. I am not going with you." I told her as my heart was beating faster than ever. She eyed my body with a look of disgust just like she used too.

"Quite confident, huh? Wait till I kill that confidence of yours. You think if one single guy starts to show some care for you, he loves you? No, he just wants one thing and when he would be done with you, he would leave just like every guy does. You are pathetic to even believe in him, just like your mother. He. Will. Use. You. Mark my words!" She spit in my face as she spoke each word slowly making them drill through my mind while I had my jaw clenched. I would never believe her words. I trust and love my Nathan that he would never even dare to think like that. Not everyone is like her. Not everyone thinks like this stupid woman.

"Stop with the glaring you foolish girl, I am leaving but I will come back." She said with her eyes narrowed. She stared at me for a few minutes, observing me and then left walking past me towards the front door.

Just as the door shut, tears sprung out of my eyes. I quickly locked the door and fell to the ground. I know I tried to act strong but I was weak, all of those abuses she had done was coming back. Worst scenario came to my mind. I would rather die before she touches Nathan. Her slaps that marked my cheeks, those cuts on my lips were worst and I couldn't even open up my mouth to eat the food. I still remember the feeling of those physical pain. Her punches on my body and those cuts on my back as she tied me up on the bed post while she watched me scream, telling her to stop were horrific. The way she beat me up with the stick, those bruises on my legs were because of that. I couldn't even stop her. I was so helpless, I don't know for how long I was crying before I heard Nathan's keys jiggle as he unlocked the door. I stood straight in front of the front door and just as the door opened, I launched myself onto Nathan and hugged him, possessively, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Whoa! I told you to sleep. Why are you up so early?" He spoke as he stepped back a foot because of the impact.

"Are you okay?" He asked after a moment as he hugged me tighter, walked me with him inside the house. He closed the front door and locked it as we stayed in the place for a few minutes.

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