Chap # 25 "Leave now or things will get worse."

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Another update babes!

Read the note at the end please.

Nathan Rivera's POV

"I am here to meet my daughter." Mrs. Robert spoke as she stepped forward while I went to stand next to Janet.

"The fuck you are. How can you even stand in front of me after doing the shit you did." Sean growled as Mrs. Robert rolled her eyes.

"What? The shit your sister did. You are piece of scumbag for believing her!" She yelled as Sean took a strode towards her.

"Leave now or things will get worse." He hissed as Janet shook me.

"Nathan, stop them." I stared at her for a while but didn't say anything.

"Let them be, my love. This is not our fight." I told her.

"Or what? What else can you do other than running away." Sean took a deep breath with his jaw clenched.

"I never ran away. You did." He had his hand fisted as I was ready if he did anything.

"Me? You must be mistaken it for your sister." She snapped back.

"Get out of my way you bitch." He spoke slowly.

"You calling me a bitch. You are a fucking asshole, you fucker!" Mrs. Robert cursed at his face making him more furious

"Stop fucking cursing at me, you little bittch!" He yelled at her.

"STOP! Please sto- stop" Janet cried as I took her in my arms and made her take a seat on the stool.

"Where is the love I saw when I was a little girl? Whats wrong with you both. Don't you trust each other?" Janet whimpered as Sean rubbed his face and turned away.

"I had so much trust in her snd she broke it everytime." His voice was low as if he knew something we didn't.

"I never broke your trust, you just trusted your sister a little too much." Mrs. Robert spoke as her eyes filled with tears but she quickly wiped them away.

"Oh please, my sist-"

"Thats it. No more arguing. Mrs. Robert can you come with me." I took her with me towards the bedroom that was meant for Sean. We entered the room as she sat down on the bed and held her face in her hands.

"You can call me Riley." She told me once she faced towards me. I smiled and nodded at her as she laughed, making me confused.

"You were always the quite little boy, just like your mother, yes you may look like your father but you habits and everything reminds me of her. I would love to meet her." I frowned. She doesn't know since she lost Janet when she was 9 and I was 12. So my mom was still alive at that time.

"My parents passed away in a car accident." I told her as I turned to face the window of the apartment not wanting to look at her sympathy eyes.

"She will be remembered by you, me and all the people who smiled because of her. She was a great woman." I turned to face expecting a 'sorry' but she never said as she took a photo out of her pocket and traced it with her finger.

"I won't say sorry because she is in a better place. Better than this cruel world. Neither am I happy about it. I lost a friend and you lost a mother." She sighed as she got up and walked towards me.

"Take care of her. I don't want to be a trouble to you guys. I will take my leave now." She said as I couldn't speak anything at that moment.

"No wait! You can't leave." She stepped back as she shook her head.

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