Chap # 23 "Was that your aunt, Mrs. Rivera?"

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Nathan Rivera's POV

"Where is Janet?" I asked Lydia who was fixing the table, she jolted at my voice but I took no notice of that.

"She went to buy grocery." She told me as I raised my eyebrow at her and made my way to get my coat. She is in so much trouble after scaring the shit out of me.

I went out of the house and walked down the streets towards the small shop in long strides. I entered the shop and quickly spotted her paying the cashier with the bodyguard standing right behind her. This woman was no where in sight when I woke up and it gave me chills to know she had gone out without me knowing. What if her aunt had got to her? I was so very glad to see her bodyguard otherwise he was out of the job.

"Woman!" Janet squealed and turned to me as I glared at her. While the cashier looked at us with a weird face.

"You are awake, I was just buying some groceries." She smiled at me unaware of me glaring at her.

"I can very well see that." She nudged me on my stomach and walked past me, out of the shop while carrying the groceries in her tiny hands. I took the groceries out of her hands and into mine as we walked side to side towards the house. When we walked inside the house, I gave the groceries to the bodyguard and got a hold of my wife, slinging her over my shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

"NATHAN!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??" I slapped across her butt, strode straight to our bedroom and threw her on the bed. She was such a lightweight.

"Next time tell me wherever you are going. Even if I am outside, in the hospital you will tell me where you are going. Out with Valeria or Bella, or you go out with Lydia, or to get groceries. You will wake me up and then go out. Okay?" I pointed it out as I stood in front of her while she was holding her face while trying to control her laughter with her hair all over her face. I tried to muster up my angry face but I couldn't hold myself and chuckled with her. I towered over her and hugged little body as she interviewed her fingers in my hair massaging her scalp, cuddling in the bed.

"I got scared. Never do that again, I am worried about you." I told her as she sighed.

"Nathan, I am right here. I promise to always tell you where I am going. Okay?" She hugged me tighter as I nodded my head.


"Get the equipment, I will get to the room." I said as I got up from the chair and went out of the office.

"Sir, the patient is ready." I nodded my head and went straight in the operation room with my mask and gloves on.

"The bone has been fractured real bad with glass piercing his leg, if we can put it back in place with some cemet covering then the bone will adjust back to its place." The doctor standing beside me spoke as I hummed and started with the work. Placing the leg bone in its right position, I took out the pieces of glass that has pierced his leg.

It took quite some time in the room with the patients and it was really late but I was happy to go home to my lovely wife. Today, I have a big surprise for her, something she would truly love. We couldn't have our wedding, I would want too but with the situation of her aunt. It would be better not too but the thing I have in mind would get her aunt truly out of her head.

When I walked in the house, the aroma of delicious food hit me. I can tell by the smell that she cooked today and not Lydia. The bodyguard was standing by the door of the living room watching Janet as she watched T.V. I was really glad that she didn't complain about him otherwise it would be a hard job for me to convince her. I signalled the bodyguard to leave the room as he did and left.

I walked up to my beautiful wife and sat right beside her giving her a kiss on her cheek as she blushed and turned to face me. She shook her head and roamed her arms around my neck, hugging me as I pulled her closer by her waist.

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