Chap # 15 "Idiot!"

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Janet Rivera's POV

One month later.

"So listen, I have an idea." Bella spoke with a little smirk on her face.

"Since we all girls are free from work and baby stuff. How about we all go to the club?" Bella suggested with an evil smirk as Valeria looked at me with a sheepish smile. They just told me what a club is and it sounded amazing but very scary at the same time.

"I don't know Bells, Derek won't let me and thinking about Nathan, he won't let Janet go as well. You know it's so hard to make up Nathan's mind." Valeria said as she leaned back on her chair and crossed her arms across her chest with a frown. Bella groaned and laid her head on the table. "You know I can make up Derek's mind. But Nathan-"

"I'm sure we can try." I spoke as they turned to face me. They stared at me and then at each other with an knowing smile.

"Janet, you can force Nathan to agree with us!" Bella semi screamed as a few heads tured to face us with confusion plastered on their face.

"Wait what!?" I gave them a shocked look trying to understand what she really meant.

"Let's head out, the quicker we go, the quicker we can go the club." Bella pointed out, ignoring me as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the cafe.

"I'll call Derek to meet us there." Valeria informed us as she took out her phone dialing his number, excitedly. I sat in the back seat of the car while Valeria sat in the passenger seat with Bella right beside her as we soon hit the road.

"Listen Janet, Nathan will never listen to us so you have to help us, after he refuses us you tell him that you want to experience things and want to go to the club." Bella explained me as she drove us towards my house.

"Just use a little charm on Nathan and he will agree to this. I always do it with Derek and he agrees. You know a kiss would be enough but sometimes I have to use the other way" Valeria said mumbling the last part as Bella chuckled while I rolled my eyes and blushed. I cannot do this.

"You are a naughty girl." Bella said to Valeria as I thought of a way to make Nathan agree to this plan. This would be hard, I mean Nathan has never said 'no' to me but the way girls describe a club, I think Nathan will not let us step out of the house. Plus, the girls want me to make Nathan agree to this. Nathan has kissed me everyday once or twice but it was him who kisses me not me kissing him. And everytime he kisses me, it feels like the very first time and I still blush at his touch. This time I have to kiss him.

How am I supposed to do that?

Nathan Rivera's POV

"I said no. And thats final." I told Bella as she glared at me. Valeria sighed in defeat as I saw Derek come into the living room.

"Why did you call to meet you here?" Derek asked Valeria with a worried expression.

"Listen honey, let's talk there." Valeria pulled Derek away, in the guest room and started pursuing him into going to the club. I will not agree to this, since Janet is involved. I know Bella can take care of herself and Derek can take care of Valeria. But even when there is only these two girls we had to suffer a lot. Some nights have also turned into bloodshed, some guys just don't know when to stop being stupid. And let's not talk about the girls. When they are drunk they start to act like animals. But now there are three of them.

"I swear I'll cut your off." She frowned, angrily as she left the room and I continued to watch the movie. I heard whispers and giggles coming from the guest room, followed by a loud thud and I already knew what was happening.

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