Chap # 30 "I am pregnant!"

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Nathan Rivera's POV

"I apologise that I got knocked over, I didn't see that sneak attack coming." Conner said as he tried to sit up on his hospital bed, groaning in pain. I wanted to rip his throat out but here I am controlling myself just because he is hurt. He had one job and he failed at it making me hire more bodyguards but Janet won't know about them as they will hide out in public while watching her.

"Give me one good reason that I shouldn't shoot you in the head right now?" I growled as Lidya gasped with her eyes wide. I forgot she was in here.

"Leave Lydia." Without wasting a second she barged out of the room, slamming the door.

"I placed a tracker on one of the guys." I narrowed my eyes at him, telling him to continue. "The guy while he was fighting with me, I planted a tracker on his clothes and now we need to get there before he discards his clothes." I smiled a little and I slapped his shoulder making him wince in pain.

"You see that. You are in pain, I am going with the rest of the group while you recover so you can get back at your job." I said as he glared at me while I went out of the room towards Janet, Lydia and Riley who all were sitting on the bench outside the room. They all stood up except Janet.

"All three of you are on lockdown till we find that bitch, no one will leave the hous-"

"I have to take care of my father." Lydia cut me of as I stared at her.

"Then you are not allowed to work till I say so." She flinched back a little by my voice as Riley nodded in agreement. Janet was not even looking at me, as she had something else on her mind while staring at the white plain wall infront of her.

"Janet? Do you understand?" Her eyes met mine as I could feel emotions going through them but anyone else looking at her would find a easy going little girl. She nodded her head as she went back to what she was doing making me roll my eyes.

"Come on, I will drop all of you off to the house." Without a question, they all followed me out of the hospital.


"Riley I need you to keep a close eye on Janet, anything happens you call me the exact second. Got it?" I told her as I sat on the loveseat while she took a seat right infront of me in the living room. She shook her head up and down as her mind drifted off to something, her face turned and peered the door Janet has walked into.

"Do you- Do you think Janet will go willingly with her Aunt just so she thinks that you won't be harmed?" I gazed at this old lady for a good 2 second before huffing some air out of my lips. I knew Janet would do anything if it means to keep me away from suffering or being in agony. Even if she gets hurts or worst even if she di- She may have promised me but I don't believe her one bit. She may be thinking of leaving right now or how to get out of here so her mother or I won't suffer. Over my dead body.

"Thats why I want you to look after her." I informed her as she titled her head back with a exhausted sigh and then nodding her head in understanding.

"I will go have some rest." Riley proceeded towards her room as I thought of pressing her to move out as well. I know Janet loves her but its for the best. For now she is safe here but later I would want my privacy with my wife. It would be better this way. My phone rang breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Hey sexy nurse. You called?" I sighed as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Why did I call this piece of shit again?

"Yes I did. I need a favour, I helped you with treating your guys and now I need you to help me find someone." I went straight to the point as Drake, one of my old friend sighed. He was a great guy being over the top in his class and everything until he decides to join his fathers gang. Drugs, murders, illegal fights, woman trafficking you name it. Although his father is dead, he killed him because of vengeance. He told me briefly that his father was a sick bastard so I didn't ask him further.

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