Chap # 11 "I want to have a baby too."

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This chapter will be hella cute.

Nathan Rivera's POV

"Janet dear, wake up quick." I gently shook her shoulder as she yawned, adorably and turned to face me with her tired and enchanting eyes staring at me.

"Why?" She asked as she tried to sleep again while hugging the pillow. I chuckled as she smiled a little while trying to hid her blushing cheeks.

"Janet!? Come on dear, we are getting late." I told her as I buttoned my shirt as her eyes went to my bare chest only for second before she watched me.

"It's 3 am, where are you going?" She asked as she sat up and glared at the clock making me chuckle. I quickly went to her side and snooped her bridal style making her yelp.

"Valeria is having her baby today. Now exactly. So we have to leave." I informed her as I walked her towards the closet. I set her feet down as she held my shoulders while biting her lips, those torturous lips. One day, one day.

"Really?" She asked getting excited as she jumped on her feet.

"Yes, now quickly change so we can leave." I woke up Bella next as she took most of the time making all of us get late.


"Ahhhhhhh!" We all heard Valeria scream as Janet was in a state of shock, thanks to my sister. She didn't knew how the babies come out, so my dear devil sister told her before I could stop her.

"Is she really fine?" Janet asked once again as I turned to glare at Bella who gave me a sheepish smile.

"Let's go to the cafe, Janet." Bella said as she took Janet hand and went through the right hall. I waited for a few more minutes before Derek came outside with a baby boy in his arms. His eyes were teared up as he tried to wipe them off.

"I still can't believe I'm a father." He said chuckling as he cuddled the baby. The baby's eyes were closed and was sleeping soundless as Derek was being so careful with the baby.

"The baby got your nose." I told him as the baby looked pretty healthy to me. Derek laughed and cried at the same time and I held his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"How is Valeria?" I asked.

"She is fine, sleeping now." He informed me as his eyes were glued to his son. Bella and Janet soon came back and ran to the baby. Janet looked fine now and I wonder what Bella did to her. They were cuddling with the baby as Derek went with Valeria. When she woke up we all went to see her. She looked tired and pale but the smile on her face was no match for it.

"What are you naming him?" Bella asked.

"Darrell Ethan Sanders." Derek told us as his grin widened when the baby giggled.

"Well we should get going now. It's been so long and I have to come back for work." I told them and Janet pouted.

"But I want stay." She whined.

"We will come later." I informed her as I took her hand in mine, interlacing our fingers together.

Bella said she had to go back to her place so she came with us to get her car from the garage. We all were quiet and tired as the radio was a background music. I drove us to the house and when we reached the house Bella bid her farewell as she sat in her car and went along her way.

After that I went straight to bed and Janet followed me. She quickly changed her clothes in the closet while I just pulled them out and threw them on the floor. She saw the clothes lying in the floor and then my body which was only covered by my boxers. She blushed while I smirked as she took my clothes in her hands and threw them on my face.

"Go hang your clothes." She ordered as I chuckled and followed her order. I went and laid on the bed as she turned to face me with her both hands under her cheek. We both stared at each other before she spoke.

"I want to have a baby too." I watched her as my eyes widened while she waited for my answer. I sat up and rubbed my face as I felt something in my boxers. Not now!

"Nathan?" Her voice was very low as I turned to face her.

"Its too early, dear. You have to be ready for it." She frowned at my answer as she sat beside me.

"Okay, can you at least tell me, how to make a baby?" I chocked on my own saliva and coughed as she watched me curiously.

"Nathan? Tell me!" She said, impatiently as I turned to stare at her, trying to find an answer.

"Janet this is new to you and I- I can't just tell you. You have to wait." I told her, as her brows narrowed at me, angrily.

"Why should I wait? Why can't you tell me?" I sighed, deeply as she stared at me waiting for my answer which even I didn't knew what was. I mean I knew what it was but I didn't knew how to tell her.

"Janet sleep. We will talk about it when its time." Janet huffed as she turned to face away from me and laid on her side. I ran my fingers through my hair as I sighed. What will I do now? I wanted to do it but she is not ready and what happens if she wants to stop in between and don't want to do it. I shook my head to get out of all these thoughts. I leaned forward and kissed her cheek as I laid back on my side, she didn't move as I already knew she is asleep.

I hope she forgets this for now.


"Janet, talk to me!" I said getting annoyed as she turned to face away from me. She was cooking dinner as we just came back from the hospital where she was all smiling but now she is angry and I feel like I made her sad. What the hell am I supposed to do? How can I tell her that my d!ck is supposed to go inside her vagina. Stop with the thoughts! I will probably die with blue balls, I want her to feel easy and she was making it hard for me. I want her so so badly, I want her in every possible way. But I want to go with the flow not just tell her how it is.

I held her waist and buried my face in her hair as she froze. I lightly swayed us and planted a small kiss on her neck making her close her eyes. I started sucking her neck, furiously as a small moan escaped her lips. I planted kisses after kisses as her hands held mine, tightly that were on her waist. Her moans started getting louder as I was getting harder.

I stopped and turned her to look at me. Her eyes were still closed as her breathing were unstable. My eyes went to the hickey, I just made and smirked.

"We have to go farther than this, if you want a baby." I told her as her eyes opened and stared at me, confused.

"What?" She whispered out while breathing heavily as her eyes narrowed at me.

"How about you ask Valeria and Bella, how to make a baby and then I will help you." She blushed and nodded as I sighed in relief.

"Can I hug you now?" I asked as her cheeks turned into a tomato. She nodded as I leaned forwards and pulled her in my arms. Her hands roamed around my neck as I buried my face in her neck and kissed her hickey.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked.

'Yes." She mumbled as I kissed her cheek.

I do want her in my bed, naked and moaning my name. But that is for later, she is not ready and I want her to know how it feels and that it would hurt and the best way for her know is the girls. They will tell her and the next step will be easy. If she wants she will do it and if not then I will wait for it.

I will always wait.


Another update for you guys!


I will update tomorrow again.

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