Chap # 16 "Can you unzip this?"

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Janet Rivera's POV

They kept bickering for a while as Bella pulled the car out of the garage.

I smiled at them and Bella turned the music up just as Nathan was about to say something. I turned and watched the street light outside the window, passing by us while creating different shadows. I closed my eyes as I felt his breath, I knew he was about kiss me. He always does this before kissing me. I felt him lean closer to me, his nose touching my already heated cheek as I gulped and took a deep breath. He lovingly, kissed it before going lower to my neck. That one time he made a love bite was now vanished as he was about to make another. My eyes shot open as he straighforward bit the flesh where my shoulder and neck meet making me gasp and heat up. He held my hands in his as he sucked me, making it hard to breathe. I had squeezed his hands and submitted to him in submission, not even stopping him. His tongue rolled around the spot making pleasure course through my body. I turned to face him as he kissed the spot one last time, his lips pink and eyes dark as he gazed at me. I had no idea about what he was feeling but one thing was sure, he didn't want to stop. He took my lips in his without any warning as he bit it aggressively. This was way different than any of his kisses. All of his kisses were short and sweet but this was as if he was angry and punishing me. He didn't stop only for a second before smashing his lips on mine. I suddenly felt his tongue licking my lips and I didn't know what to do.

"Open your mouth, little minx." He whispered while his lips were still touching mine. And again crashed his lips on me as I did what he said and soon enough his tongue was inside my mouth making me yelp as I could feel his smirk. His devilish tongue was massaging my tougue making me feeling something different. I never knew I could feel this good. I felt like I was high in the clouds, I could not hear the music in the back, it was like there was no one except me and him.

"We are here!" Bella voice rang making me pull back with a pop, my lips were wet and swollen by now as I looked up at Nathan to see his eyes closed. As If he was holding himself back. From what?

Oh god! His lips are so sinful. They should be illegal, a crime that I wanted to commit again and again.

"Suck each other's faces later." Bella spoke as she turned to face us. She got out of the car, opened the back door and pulled me out of the car, dragging me towards the entrance while I let her. Nathan came out a second later. My eyes watched him as his flirty stare roamed around my body and watched my every move, his delivish smirk was intact on his gorgeous face as he thought about something, I would never know. Maybe.

The music was loud as I put my hands over my ears to block it. Nathan noticed my move and soon pulled me with the others, following close behind. The music was starting to dim as we were at the cornor of the club away from the loud speakers.

We sat in a circular shaped couch with Derek and Valeria facing the dance floor. Bella sat right beside Valeria and then me with Nathan. The dance floor was right beside me. I watch people dancing with confidence, no worries and just enjoying the moment.

"I'll bring the first round!" Bella yelled as she squeezed out of the table and went along her way. Nathan sat comfortably leaning back onto the soft couch. His eyes were still on me, and I could feel it. I was afraid to turn, afraid that my heart will do something stupid. He suddenly, held my hand in his, kissed the back of it and placing them on his thigh. My eyes shifted from our clamped hands towards his blue orbs that were prominent even in the darkness of the club. My eyes then gazed at his lips that formed into a genuine smile, I watched the way his lips curved, so perfect. I smiled back as my heart skipped a beat. Bella came back as I saw some liquids in small glasses. They looked- wicked. Something that was not right but yet you want to drink it. Just like Nathan's lips.

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