Chap # 7 "You are so beautiful."

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WARNING: There is a little violence (Abuse) in the below chapter so please be caution that I have warned you before you read.

Enjoy reading.

Janet Rivera's POV

Will he like it? Or not? I don't know why am I nervous. I wanted to impress Nathan with the new dress he bought me. And I was freaking out cause I haven't ever impressed someone. I always wore those rags that didn't even cover my body until that women bought me some decent clothes when I was about to get married.

I once again looked in the mirror and smiled as I remembered him being extra sweet with me. I went to the kitchen and saw Lydia making some cupcakes. I ate the delicious cupcakes and send Lydia home since it was afternoon and there was no work.

I waited and he came home, finally. He unlocked the front door and came in. I felt my heart beating twice just by looking at him. I watched him walking as he looked tired today with his hair ruffled and his arms dangling lazily on his sides.

"Hey Janet, can you make some green tea. I am having a headache." He said those words and walked right beside me. I frowned as I watched him walk away. Sadly, I went to the kitchen and prepared a tea for him. When I entered the bedroom he was already asleep, with his formals on. I was upset that I dressed up for him and he didn't even look up at me. But maybe, he must be really tired. I kept the tea on the side table and stood right beside him.

My eyes went to his shoes that were still on his feet. I kneeled down and took his shoes out gently and slowly, trying not to wake him up. Then his socks came second. I was about to pull on the duvet over him when I noticed his white coat on.

Should I take it out?

I leaned closer to me as I unclipped two of his shirts button while I felt goosebumps all over my body. His body was strong and perfectly shaped as his shirt fitted his muscles. Then I rolled his sleeves, making him feel comfortable as I felt myself heating up. I, lastly pulled the duvet on top of him and laid beside him, staring at him. He was so in deep sleep that he didn't even flinch while I changed him. I felt sad knowing that he didn't notice me and what if he only thinks me as a maid.

No, he can never! My mind was swirling with thoughts and soon sleep consumed me.


"Janet?" I hummed and I felt a hand on my shoulder gently shaking me.

"Dear, wake up. It's 8 in the evening." His voice soft as he whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes as I watched him giving me a small smile. I sat up as his hand slipped away from my shoulder giving me goosebumps.

"I'm hungry, I didn't even eat lunch." He said patting his stomach as he chuckled. I turned away and faced the other side as I frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"All you care about is food. I am not a thing that you keep in your house, I'm not a maid that I cook for you, I'm a human being and I have feeling, you can't just everytime come home late. This is-" I said everything that was on my mind in a mere voice but got interrupted by him.

"You look beautiful." He said as I faced him with shock. He gave me a smirk as he took my small hands in his.

"You are right that I didn't notice you when I got home but when I woke up I thought an angel was sleeping beside me." I blushed at his comment as he scooted closer to me. Our interwined hands now resting on his lap as his shoulder touched mine.

"The reason I was not in the mood when I got home was- I- I lost a patient's life." His voice came out weak as his head hanged low. "I was angry and sad that I couldn't save him." His voice was filled with grief as my eyes started to water.

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