𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑆𝑖𝑥

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" ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴅᴏɴᴇ ᴛʜɪs
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Micah Williams
[ 𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑜f 2019 ]

Savannah tossed the pillow across the bed to me, as she helped me make the bed of their guest room. "Any time y'all are in the city, Micah or you want to come spend time with Bronny. Don't ever hesitate to ask to stay the night." She smiled warm, fluffing the pillow on her side. "Matter of fact, you don't even have to ask. Just let me know, and this can become your little room."

Her kind gestures caused the wide smile to flutter onto my face. I postered my pillow onto the bed, identical to the one she did. "Thank you. I wouldn't want to bother you guys, though. I know Mr. James is always busy, and I'm sure you probably are too."

"I'm never too busy for you kids." She sent me a light hearted sass glare. For a second she looked so similar to Bronny. "I can't speak for LeBron but I know I'm always a phone call away, or here at the house. Hubby means well but honey, people call his phone left and right. He does the best that he can do." She lightly laughed.

"Here's the comforter. It's not too thick is it? I'm sure we have more downstairs if you need something light to sleep in." Savannah lifted the rather thick blanket, and I reassured her that it would be fine. "Now if you get hot or anything just let me know. I love sleeping in a lighter comforter myself, especially during the summer."

The blanket flung into the air when Savannah threw it up. I caught my ends, and adjusted my side of the bed. "Yes, ma'am it's fine. Thank you again." I met her eye contact long enough to send the genuine smile across my face.

I'd never been loved or cared for like this from someone outside of my family. When I go over to the girls house we all share the bed, or find different spots on the floor. Now here it is, Savannah's offering a room and opening her home out to me. Rather she means it or not, the fact that she offered has me grateful and speechless. Also it tells me she does actually like me because, I could be at the hotel with the rest of the team. Yet I'm here with Bronny.

Both of us tugged at the comforter, relieving the Queen sized bed of any excess wrinkles. Although Savannah paused when I caught her starring in my direction. "Sweetie, you don't have to thank me. Honestly, this is all from the kindness of my heart." She reassured, before going back to making the bed. "Even if you and Bronny may not work out- as much as I would love for y'all too. You're now apart of us. You and Mikey both. If you ever need anything, maybe some advice from an older individual like myself- not old! Because I'm not old, but you know... maybe some big girl advice, and you don't feel comfortable with asking your mom. You can always come to me." She touched her heart.

It was almost like a pint of disbelief hearing her words. It made me feel loved, and my connection even stronger to big headed Bronny even more. "Thanks- I mean, I will remember that and take it under consideration if I ever have to." I said, recalling when she said to slow down on the 'Thank You's.' That's when a thought sparked my interest. "I saw a movie about LeBron. It talked about how you and him met in high school, and have been together ever since. Are you guys soulmates?"

"I believe we are." She sent me a small grin along with a slight shrug. Afterwards, she walked to the end of the bed and sat at the corner. Shortly, she patted for me to join beside her. "It wasn't easy and still has its challenges. You know, with him being who he is. Honey women are in line waiting to test my husband's loyalty. Don't think it'll be any different with you and Bronny. Hey, it may be worse because y'all are growing up with all this social media and stuff. It all just comes down to trust. Bronny trusting in you, and you trusting in him, no matter what." She emphasized.

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