𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟

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" ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏʏ ɪs ᴍɪɴᴇs.  "

Micah Williams
[ 𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑜f 2019 ]

"I'm so glad you're okay though! When I heard the news my heart immediately dropped because I thought it was going to be much worse, from how the media was talking." Coach Christina held her heart through the phone with much concern in her voice. "I should have known rumors will be rumors. You're a tough kid, Williams."

From not far behind her in our facetime call, Kobe appeared out the cut. "All I wanted was to know how you did in that game you played while injured. When I saw that you'd dropped thirty something and showed em' that you can get to it regardless, I Knew you weren't that bad off. That's true mamba mentality but, you know I would have went for fifty if I was in your situation." Kobe forever being the competitor that he is said.

All I could do was smile. These two like many others called me up to check on me once they heard about my injury. We've been on FaceTime for a good five minutes, similar to all the other conversations I've had since yesterday when my injury went public. Short, brief, and to the point just so they can show there love in wanting to make sure I'm straight.

Right now I'm at the clinic. They've already put this heavy cast on my arm that has everything all the way up to my thumb covered. Then this damn sling, held up onto my chest so it can elevate, and according to the doctor to reduce pain but I don't even feel anything right now.
"Yeah I dropped thirty some but, I probably could have dropped more if I'd gotten hot in the first half. I didn't heat up until the 2nd." I'm not going to say nothing but Coach didn't give me much of a chance in the first but; Everything happens for a reason I guess.

From afar of where I sat here on the table. Bronny was over by the nurses equipment. I somewhat frowned at him while I watched him slip on the blue gloves as he wore a childish wide smile on his face. What is he doing? Anyways, I focused back in on my two Coaches. "When did you know that the pain was too unbearable to play on, babe? I would have been out soon as I saw the first sign." Christina questioned.

I thought about it but soon shook my head. "It's really second nature, or first nature honestly. Ever since I was a kid.. long as you were able to move and you can go, it's no excuses. Whether you bleeding, or you done lost a tooth, or something. You play through it with no excuses." I shrugged as it really wasn't that big of a deal to me. "It really caught me off guard how many people was saying how I shouldn't have played with my wrist like that.." I drifted off when Bronny began to do the 'Real it in, it's me and my friends.' tik tok dance with the too small gloves on his hands, the stethoscope around his shoulders, and then his childish ass had the nerve to have two q- tips stuck in each ear.

"I know there was a reason why I brought you in Micah, ain't many like us left. Especially in the NBA. Dudes getting paid millions but if they get a paper cut, they're out for at least two weeks." Kobe sent a flat smile with much disproval, behind the bright smiling Christina. "But that's why you special and going to put an imprint in this era. I played with a broken wrist, you played with one, show these kids that the best of us played through the pain and didn't allow it to hold us back!" I'm not going to lie, I found it honorable from hearing the proud dad tone in his voice.

See at this moment the difference in both of the two greats bled through. I've had LeBron in my ear preaching to me to never do this again, and sit injuries out. Now I got Kobe also in my ear telling me to have that same mentality I've always carried, and play until the wheels fall off, so to speak. When I got two different advice cards but on the same topic, I'm not going to lie; It confuses the hell out of me. Makes me not want to take the wrong turn when really; looking at the two of them. Neither one looks like they're the wrong turn.

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