𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑒

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" ᴡʜᴏ ɪs ᴛʜᴀᴛ. "

Micah Williams
[ 𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑜f 2019 ]

My fingers twined the long curl between my fingers, interlocking the Eco styler gel into the single curl. I released the curl, and allowed it to bounce back up near my ear. I observed myself in the mirror, with the high bun, my edges laid, and my curls twined on the sides.

My bathroom door cracked open, and Janet soon popped her head in. "Hey! We're just about done with your posture. Wanna' see?" Excitement noticeable in her voice.

"Yeah." I smiled, and followed her into my room.

The house is packed full of family, and friends. When word got around that this is my first game playing for Kobe's team, everyone wanted to come. Mikey even made it back home this weekend to see my game. It's surprising because out of everyone in the household, his schedule's the busiest. I'm grateful though that as a family, we're able to get together once again. Because of me, first it was my birthday. Now, this- even if it is mainly just to see Kobe. A lot of people grew up looking up to that man. Including myself, and now Im about to play in my first game as him being my coach. I'm beyond excited. I know it's about to be a great game.

I walked into the room, seeing everyone surrounding my desk where I'm assuming the posture Janet's talking about is. I went over, and rested my elbow on LahLah's shoulder as I peaked over my mom's figure to see the posture.
"This looks good." I admired.

"It does, doesn't it." Sarah smiled bright, and took a step back to admire it with me and the rest of the girls.

"Oh!- Skye, go downstairs and look on the dining room table. It's a big cut out picture of Micah. I want to glue it right here, on this open spot." Mom patted an empty spot on the posture.

Skye took off out the door. I sat beside the posture, and lined my finger over the 3D blocked words that read. 'You don't want problems with this mamba.' In big foam yellow letters. "What made y'all think of this? It's my first game, but not that special." I wrinkled my nose towards my mom.

"Who else can say they play on a team for Kobe? Not many can even say they played with Kobe. It's a one in a time story. Legend, teaching a baby legend." Overtime Tae, better known as just; Tae, said with his camera rested on his shoulder.

Did I mention Overtime's documenting my entire season with the Mamba's. I believe Bronny's doing the same thing but, for Ballislife. They offered to document me as well, but I been rocking with Overtime before anyone else. They show the most love, and people like Tae, Chloe, and Larry.. I'm all close to. So, with all that being said. This AAU season's about to be a movie, literally.

"Yeah, and we couldn't miss this one. The family's not going to miss with you playing for Kobe, but not only that; I can't remember the last time we actually went to one of your games just to support you. Everyone's always busy but, it comes a time where you just have to put everything down, and make time." Mom gripped my jawline in a comforting gesture.

"Got it." I cringed at the affection, maneuvering out of her grip, and reach for that matter.

The girls, including my mom and cousin's continued fixing up the poster while we had small talk, enjoying one another's company. Skye brought in the large cut out of my face which was lowkey a little strange but I loved the effort so that's all that matters. Mikey and his boys were the next one's to join us in my room that's quickly becoming crowded with all my love ones.
"What time the game start? It's about a hour drive. We don't want to be late, and how you gon' look being late to yo' own game." Mikey snickered.

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