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" Bᴜɪʟᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜɪs. "

Micah Williams
[ Summer of 2018 ]

I stare up at the ceiling that's only being lightened from the lamp sitting on the nightstand. A small grin rest on my face while listening to him speak from my phone, even though he's in the next room beside mines.

Bronny clears his voice. "...So once upon a time it was girl, she had hair just like Moana.. and that big cartoon head like hers too-" He cut his own whispering tone off, in exchange with laughs.

My lips smack together but shortly, I laugh along with him. "My head isn't even that big!- How is this supposed to be a bedtime story and you're already trying to roast." I glare at the screen on my phone.

Bronny and I are FaceTiming as we usually do at night. It somehow fell into our schedule recently, without saying. We always talk at night until one of us fall asleep. Sometimes he wins, and sometimes I do. The both of us are always busy, so it really just depends on who's the most tired to began with.

"Just listen.. you can't interrupt me while I'm trying to tell the story, it makes me loose my train of thought and then, my stories not as good. Like, who does that? How rude?" Bronny laughs with the mic of his headphones, resting on his lips.

"It's already trash! Who calls someone a big head in the middle of the bedtime story they offered to give them..." I knit my brows together, laughing along with Bronny anyways. "That's why you still look like that fish from the aquarium."

The line went silent, besides the TV in the boy's room in the background. I laugh, as Bronny pretty soon speaks up. "Yo' I wish you would let that go, oh my goodnesses- That better not still be the picture you have for my contacts either."

"Maybe, maybe not." I shrug in a suggesting manner, besides the fact that he can't see me.

"That guy was hideous, like that was traumatizing. If I didn't already know I looked good I would be insecure." Bron shook his head, his squinted eyes observing me.

"Wow." I commented at his dramatic reaction.

"Facts, and the fact that I complemented you originally... anyways- allow me to continue." He clears his voice. "So this girl, she lived on a planet where girls did one thing, and guys did another. They never mixed.. unless, yeah." He chuckles. "But this Moana looking big head, wanted to be different and do what the guys does because she believed that she's could do everything they did, and even better. Some called her delusional because of this-"

"-Shut up!" I shout, catching on well to his lil' story.

Bronny chuckles, as his end slightly raddled. "Nah I'm kiddin' but she was actually, decent. Until she met The King of all of the guys, who was no match for her despite her effort. Some compared their relationship to like plantain, and Mr. Krabs, from spongebob and she was always on the loosing side-" He cut himself off from his laughs taking over.

My mouth dropped as I turned towards my phone, feeling the strands of my curls fall onto my face. "You know what- I gotchu' fam, I'll take the story from here." I force a smile, over his laughs. "The girl continued to take L, after L... until It was actually revealed that This 'King' had super powers and without his powers, didn't stand a chance against this better looking version of Moana, Goddess. Once he was exposed, she cameback like the Cavs did against the warriors... she dethroned him, and claimed the throne for herself. Don't worry, she gave the former King a little side job."

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