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" Bʀᴏɴɴʏ Cᴜʀʀʏ. "

Micah Williams
[ 2019 ]

Zhuri's smaller hand held mines in hers while the light pink paint on the bristles of the brush ran over my nail bed. "..then Doc McStuffins saved her a-and she was fine!" Zhuri chirped, at the end of her story. "Do you like Doc McStuffins?" She asks.

I hummed, swishing my lips to the side in thought. "Mm.. when I was younger, I used to like Lambie." I say, rotating my hand as she went to my thumb.

Her finger wraps around my larger thumb and her other hand dipped the brush into the polish bottle. "Yeah, Lambie's cute." Zhuri concludes, wearing a concentrated face.

I smile nodding in agreement as little Indigo's laying against my leg, while the three of us are on the blanket covering the grass. My eyes went from Indigo and over to the basketball court that the boys are on.

From what I can tell they're challenging who can do different lay ups and dunks on the lowered rim. Bryce just did a jelly lay up, so Mikey and Bronny would have to follow that same gesture, which is simple. As much as I would like to join them, I guess it's cool to go down the more feminine choice this time, Zhuri James is doing my nails as a result.

"And..." Zhuri catches my attention. I view her as she's lining my nail bed, what she believed to be going over the kinks but really- just causing some of the polish to fall over my nail and onto my skin. "Done!" She expresses, sporting a wide smile.

"Let me see." I smile, shortly after lifting both of my hands up into the air. It actually wasn't that bad to be honest, only a few spots had polish overlapping my nails. "You're pretty good. Do you do anyone else's nails?" I ask.

Zhuri chuckles, shaking her head rapidly. "No, not really- sometimes I do my Auntie's or my dollies..." she drifted, after listing the two.

"Oh," I nod, smiling down at her. "Well keep practicing, you're good at it." I encouraged, mentally frowning at my own words. I stay reflecting my words off basketball.

"Thanks, Mika." She rested her hands on her thighs.

I met her innocent smile, slightly arching my brow. "It's Micah." I smile, lightly chuckling afterwards.

"Oh, Mi- Cah." Zhuri repeated slower then usual as she was trying to get it right. Shortly after she grabs the full bag full of different colors of nail polish. "Oh! Mi- Cah, um.. I can give you flowers on your nails, like this one!" She excitedly showed her index finger with a little flower on it.

Now that actually takes experience and I'm pretty sure a different type of nail polish. My eyes widen and I instantly shake my head. "No thanks, this is enough Zhuri." I laugh at the fact.

"Why?" She pops the question and in the same motion, tilted her head to the side. "You're just scary!" She provokes, leaning her wide smiling face against my shoulder.

I smack my lips playfully, showing off her words with my newly polished nails. "How am I scary? This is enough for me." I send her a mutual smile.

Zhuri stood to her feet, setting the bag of nail polish to the side. Shortly after she grabs ahold of my hand that was still drying with the help of the air. "C'mon, I want to show my Auntie what I did."

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