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"  Tʜᴇ ɢᴏᴏғʏ ғɪsʜ.  "

Micah Williams
[ 𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑜f 2018 ]

My player on the game instantly fell to the floor and disappeared, leaving all of my loot surrounding my body. Pretty soon Kailen's character comes up to the screen and does a celebration dance with a 'L' signal on his forehead.

The multiple voices pours from Marvin's headset, as I lazily rolling my eyes. "He's cheesing. He had to camp in order to kill me- tell him I got six over his four." I snicker, relaying the message to Marvin.

We're playing fortnite or they were playing but Marvin was being brutally abused. Another words, killed ever second so I decided to chip in and help him out. I don't really play besides every blue moon but I'm still pretty cold at the game.

We're doing 2v2 battles with some guys who goes to our school- well Kailen used to but, now he's in high school however Jurian's in Mikey and I's grade. The both of them are nice at basketball too we've been playing with since we were younger.

Although in the game? They're not really like that, Mikey included. Once my player  who's wearing the 'girl basketball' skin lands onto the floor. I immediately go towards where my loot was left. "

"They better not have messed with my stuff- where's my gold sniper?" I ask loud enough for them to hear me from Marvin's headset.

Marvin who's sitting next to me as my headset, message relayer boy. Releases a few snickers. "Mikey said why do you need it, when you don't even know how to use it anyways."

A frown surfaces my face, as I tear a wall down for material. "I do though. I used one and got a kill when we were playing squads- besides, that doesn't even matter. It's mines so give it back, the fuck?"

"Ohh!" Marvin cuffs his mouth from my cuss word but he be cussing too. Especially when Mikey gets him tight. "Kailen says he has it and there's only one bullet in it."

I decide against commenting or feeding into anymore of the conversation because I won't need it anyways. I can kill these boys with a pistol if I had to. My teammate Jurian meets me at the top of stairs and squats few times in front of me.

"He says he'll give you shield if you have bandages."  Marvins informs.

Dropping the bandages, I took the shield and used the blue substance in order to add life span to my character. As I'm doing so, one of them comes around the corner of the stairway shooting Jurian once. In a brief instant I pulled my pump out and ended whoever that was. "Yes sir! Y'all going to have to come better then that!" I smile.

With my player, I jump down the stairs in order to take his loot since one of them thought it was cool to take my things. Although, in an instant my health went from 100 to 0. Along with my shield. My loot falling into the same pile as his, and my body disappeared.

Not only from the headset but also from across the hall I heard a loud yell. Pretty soon Marvin's cracked room door is opened wide by Mikey. "Yeahh, thank you for that fifth kill. Kailen was just their for bait!" He smiles.

A wide grin appears on my face, and I raise up six fingers. "But we going to ten. Me and Jurian closer then you, thanks to your bait boy- tell him I said thanks. Keep doing that play and it's an easy win for me." I flaunt.

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