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" Jᴜsᴛ ᴀ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ. "

Micah Williams
[ 2019 ]

The brush ran down my hair straightening my wet curls for a brief moment although, once I finished every section they instantly curled back up. I move on to the other side in the process of combing, and detangling my hair.

A faint noise of shots fired sounds from my phone resting on my dresser and propped on the same mirror I stood in front of. Shortly after a sniff comes from no one other then baby Bron Bron himself. "You should wear your hair down more often." He said observing me.

I used the wide tooth comb, and section off another portion of my hair. In the mist of doing that, my nose scrunched up. "Why?" I frowned.

Bronny shrugged with the wide headset covering one of his ears, as the other earmuff rested along his temple. "Maybe because it looks better down.." He faded off a sarcastic gleam on his expression. "As your male friend, I wouldn't tell you any bad tips on your looks." He said.

"So that means I look good, right?" I asked, resting my hands from my hair and giving him a whole view from his angel. Not long ago I returned home from tonight's game. Before Bronny called, I took a shower hints as to why I'm doing my hair.

Bronny rested his hand beneath his thin in a pondering state while he observed me in the same Jayson Tatum Jersey I got that night at fair. It was way too big as it fell to my thighs, so I just added it to my pajama wardrobe. "With your hair down down because you have a big ass head, and your hair helps minimize that problem.. somewhat." He emphasized, smirking.

I sighed in the mist of rolling my eyes. "Bronny James." I tilted my head to the side, observing him while the light from his screen reflected off his melanin skin in the dark room. "Don't start with me, my team won tonight.. it was one of our better games, and I just need positive energy." I conclude.

"That doesn't take away the fact that you have a big head." Bronny said with a straight face. Seconds later a wide smile surfaced, as he lightly chuckled. "Nah, I'm kidding." He said.

"Mhm." I hummed casually, going back to my hair.

For a second silence fell between the two of us, besides the noise from his game. Although that shortly ended when he cleared his tone. "I have a question for you.- Don't play me like you did last time either, and be truthful. Nothing less then the truth." He said earning an 'okay.' From myself. "Rate me 1-10, one being just down right ugly- God rushed on me, and scare face looks better." He said.

I chucked at his explanations, in thought. I've never really looked at him like that. Of course he's not ugly nor is he anywhere near a five or below.. "You're not a ten because then it would be like I like like you, you're not a nine because it's borderline the same thing so, I would say an eight." I recite my thoughts out loud.

Bronny nodded shortly after my response, picking at the curled coiled hair hanging near his hairline. "An eight... I'll take it. I think I would give you the same- and for the same reason." He smirked. "Aye'! But what're you doing for your birthday? Isn't it in two weeks or so," He arched a brow.

I ran my fingers through my inches of damp hair, observing myself through the mirror. "Nothing, my family and I will probably just go out to dinner or something. I really just want to practice for my birthday with my trainer, R2 because it's two weeks before AAU." I smiled wide, shimmying my shoulders.

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