𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑇𝑤𝑜

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" ᴍᴏɴɴʏ ɢᴀɴɢ. "

Micah Williams
[ 𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑜f 2019 ]

Here it is, three something in the morning and Bronny and I are still awake. We're back in Las Angeles after a week of traveling for games. Once we left South Carolina from the tournament when I first came back. We went to Missouri for a few games, now we're back in our state.

Although from the different time zones, my bodies exhausted but I can't sleep. I'm sure it's the same story for Bronny because he's yarned numerous times but has yet to fall asleep. We played the game together for a while but I got tired of it, and turned my attention to catching up with my mains on YouTube. Bronny on the other hand played the game for a little while longer but now, he's laying beside me on his bed while watching Twitch.

The video playing which has my attention at the moment is from The Prince Family. I've been watching them since I was younger. In this video Biannca's pranking Damien into thinking that she's dead in there bathroom.

The set up scene of the prank is Biannca in a tub full of imitation bloodied water that went up to her waist. Blood's around the ring of the tub, and on the wall surrounding the tub. If someone pranked me like this, I believe that I'd fall for it. All that blood? The last thing on my mind would be searching somewhere for a camera.

Unsurprisingly that's exactly how Damien reacted- how anyone with common sense, and true love to there better half, would react. His people's tried to hold him back from getting to Biannca although he wasn't going for it. "I don't blame him." I spoke my thoughts aloud, half aware that I'd just did that in the first place.

A gasp left my lips when Damien got into the tub with designer pants, and white forces on his feet. He's truly a real one. I would have taken out the time to take off my shoes, and then got into the water. "What're you watching?" The bed shifted and Bronny nosily scooted over in order to see what I was watching.

I shifted from my side, and maneuvered closer to him. He easily found comfort with resting his chin onto my forehead. "The Prince Family. Biannca's doing the play dead prank on Damien." I explained.

In the video Damien remained in the water holding his wife while he talked to the guys in the background, who are also in on the prank.
"If I found my husband in water and dead, I'd flip out. Everyone would be having to watch out for me because I'm fighting until I found out who's responsible. The dog wouldn't even be safe." I joked.

Bronny laughed at my joke though it was short lived when a questionable glance came upon his face. "Wait, so who would be your husband?" He quirked the question.

With my thumb, I pressed the pause button in order to hold the video for a second. My attention darted up to Bronny. "Jayson Tatum." I stated the obvious. I mean it's clear to the world JT's my baby. Jayson's just not aware of it yet.

Bronny's eyes hooded. "You were supposed to say me." He grumbled. I released a chorus of chuckles at his stoned face, and tapped his cheek numerous times in order to assure him that it'll be okay. Because I'm definitely not changing my mind, Jayson is bae and that's not changing.

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