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"  A ɢʀᴏᴜᴘ ᴏғ ғᴏᴜʀ.  "

Micah Williams
[ 𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑜f 2018 ]

Today we have two games, our first beginning at twelve. Since we have time before then, Coach said we could go to this mall by our hotel for an hour or so. I've never been here in Indiana before last night, but from what I can see it's pretty nice, and the malls big but not big as ours in San Diego.

Coach said we could roam around but we have to be in groups, and have our phones on us. Of course I chose to be with Mikey. Jah and Bronny was with him too so we quickly became a group of four.

The four of us went over to the escalator, our intentions to go looking around upstairs first. Since this mall's two stories, and a lot of the other groups started downstairs. The short line of people lessons, as it becomes our turn however a long second goes by when I realize Jah doesn't proceed onto the escalator.

I move from behind him, and scrunch my brows when I see his foot hovering over the rapidly moving stairs. "Are you going to go, or?"

"Yeah give me a second though.. I got to wait for the right one." He says grinning, as watches every step go by.

Mikey glances up from his phone. "Don't tell me you scared of these things, they just like stairs fam..the only difference is, you're just not moving." He clarifies with a shrug.

"I'm not scared it's just weird stepping on them. Once I'm up there, I'm fine." Jah comes to his own defense.

"You want one of us to go first then? I'll go first." I offer.

"Bruh, hurry up theirs people behind us." Bronny laughs sheepishly, as he glanced behind us briefly. It's a family behind us and besides the woman who's wearing a stern glare, the others seem fine.

"So," Mikey says beating me to my words. "Bruh, nothing's going to happen, just step on and stay on the same stair, or step up them like stairs." He explains, as if Jah's never used one before.

Jah smacks his lips, chuckling shortly after. "Bruh, I'm telling you they weird to me... Micah go first and you two stay behind me."

To his comfort we went in that exact order. It was funny to see Jah was nervous especially since he's just about tall as some NBA players, and taller then some but.. everyone has fears. 

"We going to have problems if you fall back on me or something." Mikey mentions from behind me and Jah, earning laughs from all four of us.

"I'm sure if he fell back y'all both going to have problems.. all of us are besides Micah because she's in front." Bronny laughs, as he's last one in our group.

My Space Jam 11's brush the slick marble floor when I reach the top. "See that wasn't even that bad." I shrug, grinning at Jah who had the most mixed emotion smile.

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