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" Iɴsᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ. "

Micah Williams
[ 2019 ]

"Things have changed. I know I'm getting better, I can feel myself getting better. Things that used to be tricky are becoming like light work.. I'm becoming more well known- and carried by my own name at that."

I dribble the ball from hand, to hand while it crossed between my legs at each step. Through the dimmed gym of my middle school that was mostly being lightened by the camera lights.

Once I get a few inches from the three point line I pull up for a three. I held my stance while the ball flew towards the hoop. "And it's all because of the work.. simple as that."

The scene of the short documentary on 'Who is Micah Williams' that Overtime's producing, is somewhat of an insight about me and what I've had to go through. Not too much in-depth, even though even if I did go in-depth. People still wouldn't even began to know or understand what I've gone through and still will have to face in the future. I'm down, and ready for every challenge though.

The world's struggled the most with equality between people of color, and woman, America especially. Even though it's gotten better over the years, inequality is still out here.

Just imagine having both of these characteristics. Well me, I don't have to imagine because I am black, and a woman. That's why I stand up for what I do and even when someone's belittling me I don't give up.

In basketball you don't have to worry too much about unequality because it's a highly popular African American sport. It's mainly the fact that I'm a girl trying to play with the guys. I can't count how many times I was counted down on this summer, or like my situation now. My middle school basically denied me playing with Mikey and them, and I had to play with the girls.

We began the next scene which is with Ryan Razooky, my trainer here in San Diego who found me over the summer. Ever since schools started back, he's been working with me. He's an NBA trainer and has been a lot of help with my game.

The next work out we did worked on my midrange game. The clip on microphone hung on the back of my shorts, as I swing the ball over my head, blocking it out of Ryan's reach. "A lot of people may say oh, your the girl who got carried- or played with Mikey, Bronny, Jah, Gabe and them." I pushed off of Ryan who was defending me.

Once I reached the free throw line I pulled up at the corner. "But nah.. honestly, put me on any team and I'll still get mines." The ball went flawless through the net even with Ryan's contest.

We reset at the top of the key and Ryan gave me directions of the next route, then passed the ball to me. "I've evolved, and my game has too..." I paused in the mist of my sentence, driving left. I hesied and crossed right, Ryan read my moves and follwed my direction. With much contact, I hit a fade away in the mist of pushing off of him.

That's a new move. The net hissed from the snap of the ball going through. "I feel like I'm more smarter on the court. I could already direct a girl's team, but I feel like I'm good enough to carry a guy's team now too. If that makes since." I shrugged, in the mist of a chuckle.

Ryan passed me the ball and the producer requested me to speak more on this summer with the blue chips. I swung around and out of his reach. "The blue chips... I look at my highlights from over the summer, and realize that basically the noise and irony had got the best of me." I did a James Harden fade-away and pulled up for a three. "That honestly wasn't my best, of course even now I haven't hit my best... but the summer was all about adjustments and experience to be honest."

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