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" Bʀʏᴄᴇ's ʙɪɢ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ. "

Micah Williams
[ 2019 ]

Soft music plays through the speakers, setting the already chill tone after the second long practice I had today with Kobe and Gigi's team. I glance out of the slightly dark windows from the heavy tent, viewing the lights from the cars traveling down the busy highway of LA.

Above my head, on the roof of the truck. Are the stars all big ballers have in there car. My vision drifts to the scenery around the truck, we're riding in observing all of its luxury features. I sat on fine leather seats that I noticed read Bryant on the back of them before sitting down.

In front of me was Kobe and one of the other girls off the teams dad. They sat in front of us as if we're in an invisible booth, minus the table and much space between us- similar to a smaller version of a limousine. Beside me in our row of seats are GiGi, Alyssa, and Mackenly.

Everyone comfortable in there own space with no complaints. Kobe's not even driving he has a whole chauffeur driving us around, and the truck doesn't even feel like it's moving on the highway. 

After practice tonight they invited me go out to dinner with them, and despite my original plans of me spending the night at my cousin's house out here in LA. GiGi said I could spend the night with them since they wanted me to join them out for dinner, so my cousin said she would just come get me tomorrow.

Now we're riding in this Rolla Royce truck, with the stars shining in the darkness, on our way to a restaurant. For most of the ride us girls just talked, and laughed at small things and I got to know them a little better. I'm not going to lie, his team isn't that bad but I don't know if it's worth not playing with the blue chips, that's not including other teams that have reached out in interest.

Pretty soon, we pulled up to this place called Water Grill where Kobe said they already had our reservations held for tonight. We got out, and I stretched from the hour or so long ride.

Mackenly lifts the both of her fist. "Bang in' out west." She crosses her first over, as I realize she's doing that one TikTok dance. "Slangin' out west, Gold metallic knife I can shank you out west." She lifts her arms, swaying to her words.

Alyssa mimics her while GiGi and I laugh at the both of them all out of their own rhythm. I've heard about tiktok but haven't really tapped into it yet. "I wanna do that one! Oouu, we should do it!" GiGi says in an ideal tone.

"Oouu, we should do it outside too!" Mackenly said with excitement, pulling out her phone. "We have to use someone's flash though because it's dark or whatever." She observes the three of us, popping her tongue at the end.

I wave my phone around, in my hand. "We can use mines. Where y'all wanna' do it at? Out here in the parking lot." I ask, shooing a loose strand of hair out of my face that's definitely supposed to be in my bun.

GiGi shrugged with her usual wide smile. "Yeah why not, it'll look cute- and we got the lights from the restaurant and stuff too so it's not that dark." She explains.

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