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" Dᴇᴄɪsɪᴏɴ's Pᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ. "

Micah Williams
[ 2019 ]

"Two laps around the gym girls, go!"

At coaches orders the girls, along with myself; broke out into a sprint. At first I dragged my feet not really in the mood but not long after I recovered, finding my rhythm while jogging.

From beside me I felt someone's shoulder run into me, I already had an idea who it could've been. Especially considering the push was way more dramatic then an actual push when you genuinely run into someone.

It didn't surprise me at all to see it was Kayden. I glared at her, slowing down my paste and allowing some of the girls to run around us. "Is their any reason you ran into me." I said with attitude.

She slowed down in her steps as well. "So.. aren't you used to getting pushed around and stuff? You play with the guys after all." Kayden says full of sarcasm.

"That doesn't make it right to," I started with my teeth gritted and I took it upon myself to run into Kayden. Giving her the taste of her own medicine. "Run into me!" I finished, not showing any mercy.

Kayden stumbled to the side but quickly recovered, rejoining my side. The both of us who easily could've be in the front, are in the back because she has a problem with me. "Yeah, show me your true colors and that man you really are." She said.

"Oh I'll show my true colors." I raised my voice while we both did little things to intrude in one another's space. For example, I speed up then stepped into her landing and started slowing down. "Your more then a man then me- man face!" I barked, earning snickers.

"Oh hunny, don't hate on me because you can be me." Her annoying face I could easily punch if I didn't have self control, glanced at me. "All you ever do is befriend guys but it never goes farther then that. I get boyfriends." She flaunted, sticking her nose up.

"Who wants a boyfriend?" I said with a hint of disgust in my tone. "All of my guy friends including Sergio.. Nick... and who else you date?" I slowed down with much confusion mocking carried in my voice. "Shit, too many for me to keep up with- my point is, I could easily date anyone of my 'friends'.

"You do seem like the type to go after my left overs, I'm not surprised." She sassed, and before I can father my thoughts to reply. Kayden sped up and finished the half of lap we had left.

At this point it's official: I can't stand Kayden Parker. All day she's been on my case nagging, like I killed her dog or something. I haven't done anything to ole' girl for her to be attacking me like this. She's a hater in real life, really killing my mood.

Coach came over holding her clipboard in hand while we all stood in the half court circle. "Alright ladies, today we're doing drills since it's Friday.. and we have a long weekend. The next time we will see each other won't be until Tuesday night for another practice before two games Wednesday, and Thursday. Sounds good?" Coach glances around at us, earning comments in agreement. "Alright so I have drills set up around the gym. Two to each section... the buzzer will go off every 2 minutes and that means to switch!"

She dismissed us as it's time for us to pick a drill to do. From my peripheral vision I saw Kayden eyeing me while whispering with one of the girls. I release a sigh, gripping the sides of my shirt. This girl's really testing my patience.

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