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~ For every pain you feel in this world, there's a reward for it in the next~

In every single person's life there comes a person, a person who makes them feel fortunate in those unfortunate moments, that person who sprinkles a tons of beautiful moments which one will never trade even if they are offered the earth.

'Hoorain', she was and will always be that person to him. The smile he will die for, the lady he has lost his heart to and the same woman who is so near to him but still far far away.

He had hope, a strong hope which made him fight for his love, the strong hope which he thought will bring her back to him. It wasnt a mere thought, it was his strong instinct, as even if she forgets everything, their hearts were connected, a connection that's build strongly.

Driving through the crowded road of Singapore, the black car stopped in the middle of other cars as the red traffic light shined brightly. It was a normal day for every person walking in front of his car, smiling ear-to-ear, some holding their small kids hands while there were some couples crossing the road with a warm smile on their faces. The same smile he had when he used to hold her tiny hands.

Only if they haven't come to Singapore, forget about them, only if he hadn't taken her along with him as a short period of time away from each other was way better than the painful years he came across till now.

No matter how much he cries, no matter how much he wished he could go back and change everything, as it isnt any fairytale but real life, and the real life brings tons of happy memories and a ton of heartbreaking moments to grieve for.

While everybody out there was having their moment, his heart was crying silently without letting the eyes know as he himself doesnt know what exactly was happening around him.

Getting engaged? How can he let his other half get engaged to other man? The man whom both of them hated the most. Heck, even the thought of his shadow near to her make him want to destroy every single thing around him.

'Lateef', the guy whom today his Hoorain was getting engaged to. The moment he heard this name, he lost all his sense. He just wanted to kill him, as he knows without any cunning thoughts that filthy human will not take this decision.

Turning the steering to the left which led to the way to the grand auditorium where the engagement ceremony was held, he sped the car in the maximum speed. He was almost to hit another car which was coming in his direction, but with a jerk he turned it left making the other person throw some swearing words at him.

Rayyan wasnt in his mind today, as his mind was occupied by her, the one and only thought to get his Hoorain back from all the betraying peoples, to take her back to their peaceful life, their life how beautiful it sounds.

Without even listening to others, Rayyan had come here all alone. As he wanted to end it all today, end this suffering and he wants to put a full stop to all the dirty lies.

Rayyan stopped the car with a loud thud, making the dust to spread all over the air.

' Welcome to the engagement ceremony of Sarah Haroon Sheikh and Lateef mehgani'. The name was someone else's, but it did sting his heart as the owner of the name was his, only his.

Getting out of the car, he closed the door while taking a deep breathe he went inside without caring anybody.

He walked through the garden which was decorated so beautifully that it made him remember their wedding. There were so many people sitting on the white chair around the round table, all in black suits, looking awe in the direction of the stage.

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