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" Being single doesn't mean no one wants you. It just means that god is busy writing your love story"

Hoorain's expression hardened after reading the name Ayyn written in the card. She was now aware that the guy whom Ezza told her to stay away from is the same guy who gifted her.

Her mind was in such a mess that she didnot pay heed to Tanisha's words. She was about to throw the gift box away but immediately pushed it inside her backpack when she saw Rayyan and the others coming out from their college. She didnot want to bare Rayyan's annoyance.

Hoorain without even uttering a word, went away, ignoring Tanisha calling her from her back.

"Did she throw the gift?" Jannat asked looking at Hoorain's fading figure.

Tanisha eyed her suspiciously,that was when Jannat got alert about what she said.

Rayyan came in between them before Tanisha could ask Jannat.

" Tanisha, it was me who gave her the gift" Rayyan said with his hands on his pants pocket, because he no longer wants to hide it from anyone except Hoorain.

Tanisha shrugged her eyebrows at him and then suddenly smiled brightly at him.

" I had a doubt on you, your eyes showed the love you have for Hoorain. But I wasn't sure until now" Tanisha said making Rayyan smile sheepishly.

" Then why are you not seeing the love I have for you in my eyes Tanu?" Shahid asked giving her a weak smile.

Tanisha felt a pang in her chest because she knew Shahid's love for her is very deep but Siyaan made her lose her trust in love.

Tanisha swallowed the lump that formed in her throat and was about to walk away,but stayed still hearing shahid's words.

" One day, one day you will fall for me Tanisha Burhan and I will be waiting for that day" Shahid said.


" Abba?" Hoorain came out from her bathroom with the towel in her hands and saw Aalif sitting in the bed while he was examining the gift box which Hoorain threw on the bed.

Aalif raised his head and patted the seat beside him.

Hoorain went towards him and sat beside him, while he took hold of her small hands in his slightly wrinkled large hands.

" Who is Ayyn baby girl?" Aalif asked her.

" Aah, allah knows" Hoorain shrugged her shoulders.

" Oh I see, the gift is very beautifully wrapped. Isnt it baby?" Aalif asked while turning the gift up and down.

" Abba, why are you not suspecting me? Why didnt you ask who gave ne this?" Hoorain asked him while Aalif laughed whole hearty showing his dimples.

" I believe in you my babygirl. It doesn't matter what others do, what matters to me is YOU and I trust you my gem" Aalif kissed her forhead.

Hoorain side hugged her dad and thanked god for giving her an understanding and loving dad.

" Now, now tell me whats the reason for the sadness clouded over my princesses face?" Aalif asked her.

" Its..its...just stress abba, about studies you know" Hoorain avoided eye contact with him.

" Hoorain" Aalif called her, while she knew he calls her by her full name only when he is serious.

Hoorain pressed both her lips and looked at hin.

" Abba, did pops murder someone" Hoorain asked.

" Hahha, who told you this foolishness?" Aalif chuckled.

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