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~ May the flower reminds us why the rain was necessary~

( Don't forget to blast the comment section because i missed y'all a lot)

Unbearable, the pain was unbearable for her.

The moment Lateef fell down on the stage with a ear bursting thud because of Rayyan's strong push on his chest, Hoorain felt a sudden unbearable pain arising inside her head. Clenching the white scarf with the both of her hands, she fisted the piece of the clothe with her fingers so harshly that it would have tore into two halves.

Her mind was slowly gathered with with crowd of moments, not blurred like before but the exact view of her life, her past, her lost memories. The most precious memories of her life was slowly rewinding in her mind.

Even though the pain was unbearable, she didn't give up as she really didn't want to live like a person who doesn't even know what her likes and dislikes are.

One by one, the memories started flashing in front of her closed eyes. She had given up hope of solving this puzzle of her life, the hardest puzzle of regaining her memories but now one by one, the pieces of the puzzle was getting into the right place. With each piece, a drop of tear strolled down her baby pink cheeks.

Her body became numb, legs weak and her heart shred into infinite tiny pieces,  she found it hard to breathe as the pain was getting unbearable.

Her eyes opened in a swift, while the memories of that dreadful day flashed in front of her. The day she wished to be the memorable and precious in her life, the day she wished to cherish forever but ended up being the worst nightmare of her life.

" HOOR, HOOR! Please remember me Hoor. I can't and I can never live without you. Your Rayyan will die without you Hoor. You promised to never leave me, please don't leave me Hoor" Rayyan's loud voice which cracked made her heart cracked too.

Her Rayyan, she forgot him. She made him vulnerable, she made him so vulnerable. How could she forget her Rayyan, the man who touched her soul, the man who loved her like the precious asset of his life, the man who made her feel like a queen.

" RAYYAN" Hoorain screamed his name while the tears flowed without any warning, while a painful sob escaped her lips.

She felt her both legs too weak to keep a single step forward but her legs moved robotically towards the man who stole her heart. With each step, the void that was present inside her was filled slowly.

" Rayyan" Hoorain wrapped her tiny arms around his stomach tightly afraid of him disappearing, while he was the one who should be afraid.

Disappeared, yes! The emptiness that present inside their heart disappeared at the instant when his thick palms placed on the top of hers. The touch she was craving for, and the heart beat he was yearning to hear, now was beating inside him.

Rayyan slowly detached Hoorain's arms from his stomach while turning towards her he cupped both her wet cheeks, trying to believe that it was all real, his Hoorain was real. He hugged her tightly, while his one arm was snaked around her waist and the other om the back of her head.

Hoorain felt peaceful, this was the warmth she missed, the warmth of his arms. She was so scared, so scared after getting her memories back. She was all alone with with bunch of strangers who tricked her into their dirty play, whatever their intention was, Hoorain loathed them.

" SARAH! What on earth do you think you are doing with this unknown man on your engagement day!" Haroon grabbed her by her shoulder while pulling her away from Rayyan.

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