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Hoorain came near Tanisha and grabbed the diary from her hand.

They were confused at Mishel keeping her diary in the library.

" Jaan, you were right. There is a major reason behind Mishel's suicide or else why should she keep her diary here when she can keep it at her home?" Hoorain said.

They agreed with Hoorain.

Hoorain opened the diary and on the first page was a drawing of a girl sitting on the floor with her face covered with her knees.

She looked at them and turned the next page. The only thing written in every page was ' I want my childhood back'.

She kept turning the pages but she didnot find anything. She started flipping the pages, suddenly she stopped at the middle page.

Hoorain started reading what was written there.

" Dear Pappa and mumma,

I may not be alive when you get this diary, I will be far away from you both.
I know you both are heartbroken because of me but papa your daughter is more heartbroken than you.
Yes, papa your gem is broken physically and emotionally. That devil broke me papa, broke your daughter into pieces. He broke my childhood papa, childhood where the childrens of my age has a lot of memories.
The person whom you believed the most broke me papa.
At the age of playing with toys, He played with my innocence. I didn't knew it papa, I never knew it He was playong with my innocence. His touch, His look everything gave me a disgust feeling but I wasn't aware papa. Who can differentiate between a bad touch and a good touch at the age of 7?
Can you believe dad? At the age of 11 your daughter, your Mishel was raped by your so-called brother, my uncle whom you and mumma loved unconditionally.
You always left me with him Papa, without knowing He was the devil who was slowly killing your daughter.
I couldn't tell anyone dad, I couldn't because he threatened me he will murder you both. But I was slowly dying papa.
Everynight when you were asleep I was abused by my uncle. There is not a single night I had slept peacefully. I forgot to smile papa, I was physically and mentally tortured.
I feel disgusted to look at my body, there are bruises everywhere papa.
I can't papa, I can't tolerate this anymore. I am weak papa, weak at heart. I don't have any courage to speak for me.
I also had many dreams like any other girls. But he snatched away everything dad. I am already dead at heart dad, my soul is dead.
I am sorry papa, I am sorry mumma, your Mishel can't take this anymore. The only way he would be punished is by my death. I wanted this to reach you papa, i am sure one day it will surely reach you. He should be punished papa, punished for snatching away your daughter's happiness.
I love you both very much."

There was a pindrop of silence everywhere.

They couldn't digest the fact that Mishel was raped, that too by her uncle.

Tanisha sat in the bench because she couldn't hold it anymore.

"" Tanu said while her voice cracked.

Riaz banged the desk in anger.

" But why didn't the doctors report that she was raped?" Jannat asked.

" Now, I got the reason behind Mishel keeping her diary here. She knew her uncle would obviously take it away or easily get out of the case if he was caught" Hoorain.

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