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~ Don't dig up in doubt, what you planted in faith ~

~ Don't dig up in doubt, what you planted in faith ~

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"Siyaan" Her voice was barely audible, her features clouded with shock.

Siyaan looked at her with his charming smile, showing his dimple on his left cheek which was deep as an ocean, but that wasn't anymore charming to Tanisha.

The guy standing in front of her with a smile, was the same guy who was responsible for her tears. The same guy to whom she begged not to leave. The same guy who made her scared to fall in love again until he showed up.

Shahid, the guy who loved her since childhood, the guy whom she loves to bits and the only guy who is locked in her heart forever.

To be honest, the only thing she was thankful to Siyaan, was his leaving made her open her eyes to see the true love in Shahid's eyes.

" Earth to Tanisha Burhan!" Siyaan snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, making her take a step back.

Siyaan moved a bit closer to Tanisha, keeping a small distance between them. But his mere presence made her suffocated or to be honest she didnot want him anywhere near to her.

" Tanu, I" Tanisha stopped Siyaan showing her palm.

" Siyaan, I dont know why you have come after these long years. But let me tell you something" Tanisha said with a emotionless face while Siyaan motioned her to continue.

" I love him Siyaan, I dont love you anymore, besides I dont even want you to be anywhere near to me. I love him and he will be the only one for me even if he doesnt want me. I LOVE SHAHID AND I WILL MARRY ONLY HIM"Tanisha's sound echoed throughout the silent environment while her eyes were squeezed shut and those words were said deep from her heart.

There was an eerie silence all around her, the only sounds heard was of the wind and the cars zooming on the nearby highway.

Tanisha took out a deep breathe and opened her eyes slowly, her sad expression changed into embarrassment, happiness and all emotions mixed up, seeing the man standing in front of her. Her man.

Shahid was standing right in front of her, with his strong arms folded into his hard chest, wearing a navy blue shirt and he had a lopsided grin lingering on his face.

Shahid kneeled in front of her down on his knees and raised his head, looking directly into her dark black eyes, which had different types of emotions playing in it.

" Will you marry me, my Tanu?" Shahid asked forwarding a red rose which he picked up from the garden nearby.

He wasnt going to propose her by a ring, as he didnot want to slide a ring into her finger before their nikah.

Tanisha was dumbstruck, she didnot knew what to say. The guy whom ignored her for two whole years is now kneeling in front of her. She was still processing about the happenings around her.

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