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~ No one is you and that is your power~

"SARAH" Hoorain stepped back while she took her both tiny palms from Rayyan's chest making a warmth of heat to fade away from him.

Hoorain's face had it's all color drained out when her eyes fell on Hafsa standing near to the door with a horrified expression all over her face. But what Hoorain didnot see was the thread of guilt lingering inside her eyes, the guilt which was eating her up for years.

Entering inside the room, Hafsa closed the door while twisting the knob of the door as she knew what will happen if Maaz see Rayyan inside their home and the relationship between Rayyan and Maaz was no where fine.

" Rayyan, you shouldnt be here at this time of night " Hafsa's meek voice reached Rayyan's ears, while she had her eyes everywhere but not on him.

" You didnot change Hafsa, the only thing you know is to hurt others, to snatch away others happiness." Rayyan let out a bitter laugh while Hafsa swallowed the lump foming inside her throat.

" You know every single thing Hafsa, you knew about everything but still you couldnt tell me anything while these two years I was dying with each freaking breathe I took" Rayyan's face twisted with pain at the horrible memories of his past.

Rayyan knew Hafsa wasnt at fault but at some or the other point she was at fault too. He know Hafsa was an innocent girl who had a lot of dreams which every one wished to come true but life has a funny habit of being cruel to people who has a heart to only love others.

" Rayyan, I...I am sorry. I.. I am helpless. Please forgive me, I know everything but I am helpless Rayyan "Hafsa bit her lower trembling lip as she knew her eyes were begging her to let out the tears that she has been hiding inside to flow out freely.

Rayyan didn't want to make her cry but the fact Hoorain was with her and the fact she didnt had the heart to tell him everything made him go insane. But what he doesnt knew was the storm going inside Hafsa's heart, the chaos she had been fighting against since the day her father-in-law bought Hoorian home. And she was helpless, she was weak, mentally and physically she was tired, tired of every single thing happened in her life.

" Bhabi? Do you guys know each other? Why arent you not pissed of seeing this man inside my room? " Hoorain was so confused at the sight of the two of them, who seemed to know each other.

" Yes, she knows me well, she know everything about us" Rayyan's eyes showed the pain and hurt which didnt go unnoticed by Hoorain.

Hoorain looked at Hafsa who was struggling with her own self as she didn't knew what to do at this moment as one mistake from her side would be equal to her killing her own mother-in-law, who is nothing but a loving yet a pure soul.

" Rayyan, please go and dont come back. Please. She..she doesnt remember you" Hafsa said the last sentence in a hushed voice but was heard by Rayyan whose heart twisted in pain and anger burnt inside him.

"  A human cannot live without a heart, Hafsa. And the human body and heart doesnt live far away from each other. Then how do you expect me to live far away from my heart who is here?" Rayyan asked while Hoorain could feel the pain in his voice but she wasn't able to do anything as her mind was a blank paper with half of the ink faded away from it.

Rayyan looked at Hoorain who was looking at him keenly as if she was trying so hard to identify him, as her heart was aching so badly without any particular reason.

" How badly I wish all this to be a nightmare which will fade away the next day but sadly this is a real nightmare, esgham" Rayyan said while a lone tear escaped from the corner of his eyes.

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