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~ When it's time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived ~

~ When it's time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived ~

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" I killed him, I killed him " Sebastian laughed like a maniac while mumbling the same words simultaneously.

Sebastian's rough and a cracked palm had blood stain on it while he was laughing through his tears which was twinkling in his emotionless eyes.

" MISHEL, MISHEL" Sebastian shouted loudly, while his cracked voice found their way all around the deserted area and swayed together along with breeze of the cold night.

" You got your justice my baby, the justice these society couldnt give you" Sebastian's voice held disgust and an emotion of a helpless father.

Jannat held Zeeshan's arm tightly, while Zeeshan stared at the man, who was in front of him in the verge of breaking down.

The cops who were holding Sebastians arms, felt ashamed of themselves. Ashamed of letting a criminal run away and ashamed of not giving him the proper punishment. Their hold on Sebastian's arms loosened, while Sebastian fell on his knees on the metallic road near the lifeless body, the lifeless body of his brother, not brother but the man who was behind the reason for his daughter's death.

Robert had ran away from the prison, by the help of a police officer and was hidden in his expired parents house. Sebastian couldn't hold his breathe knowing the bastard who snatched away his daughter's innocence, was living in peace. Because of him, he lost his daughter and his wife.

Yes, Sebastian's wife had been in coma since she knew about the reason behind Mishel's death. She had fainted after reading Mishel's diary and that was the last day Sebastian had seen his wife with opened eyes. They had moved to another place where nobody could see them, and it was the reason Aalif couldn't find Sebastian as to invite him for the wedding.

Sadly, Susan left the world a few days before Robert had ran away from the prison. Sebastian, was dead at heart and he had become a merciless man, whose one and only intention was to kill his brother.

Sebastian knew the only place Robert would hide will be their old house and he did go there with a knife ready with him.

" Why, why did you? Why did you do it to my Mishel?" Sebastian sobbed while  shaking the lifeless man holding his collar.

" Wasn't she the daughter of this same blood which was flowing through your body? How could you.." Sebastian's voice died in his throat as he covered his face and looked at the dark sky, just like his heart and mind.

"Now you can rest in peace, my Mishel. I hope you met your mother and soon we will meet " He smiled through his tears staring at the star which was shining brightly on the black sky while the tears settled on his pale brown lips.

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