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~The best way to trick a fool, is to let the fool think that he is tricking you~

"I am here to ask your daughters hands in marraige" Rayyan said, making a surprised look to form in Aalif's face.

Rayyan looked at Aalif, hoping that he would  say something but Aalif was staring at him with a smile on his face. Rayyan grabbed it as an oppurtunity to express his feelings.

" Its been a year since I've been in love with your daughter but never have been I proposed her or disturbed her. I love her sincerely and I wish to begin a halal relationship with her." Rayyan gave him a bright smile.

" I know" Aalif said making Rayyan shocked beyond words.

Aalif stood up from his chair and went near Rayyan.

" I know everything beta(son), every single thing about you. Do you remember giving my daughter a present on her birthday?" Aalif asked him with a grin on his face.

Rayyan scratched the back of his neck and nodded his head with an embarassed smile.

Aalif let out a hearty laugh looking at how flushed Rayyan was.

" You might be thinking how I got to know about the present? The day I've seen the present in Hoorain's room, I had noticed the sign of the boutique in the card in which your name was written. Beta(son), you should be more careful, while taking the present for my daughter from your father-in-law,'s boutique shop" Aalif chuckled making Rayyan give him a nervous smile.

But the fact that Aalif said himself as father-in-law in place of Hoorain's dad  made a thousands of happy bomb to blast in his heart.

" I am more than happy to give ny daughter to you, as I have got this strong believe that My daughter will be in safe hands" Aalif patted Rayyan's head.

" After she completes her studies, we will fix your marraige, in shaa allah" Aalif said.

Rayyan was happy beyond words. The girl whom he loved more after his mother, is going to become his. And he was satisfied that they were going to start a halal relationship.

Little did he know the heartbreaking storm awaiting for him.


The university was fully decorated in a very grant way showing the prestigious status of the university. The entrance to the pre-university college was decorated with flowers and balloons. A red carpet was laid from the entrance of the gate to the stage.

The chief guests and the other guest had reached the college and were seated in the front row of the VIP seats.

The inter-college competition was among fifteen universities all over Dubai. Only the  students those are currently studying and the former students of the college's were allowed to attend the program. Outsiders weren't allowed as it was strictly restricted by the principal.

The college authorities had given a entry card along with a greeting card for the program to all the students  and the former students of all the participating colleges.

The whole students were excited and was in full of energy. Inter-college competition was something which was an enjoyment platform for the students. For the 2nd pu students, it was their last program, so they had arranged many programs to rock the stage.

The participants were all in the dressing room, all splitted in different corners, as the room is very huge and had a large space.

Hoorain was painting Hiba's face with white, while Jannat was practicing her catwalk wearing her Cinderalla dress.

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