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Siyaan looked at Hoorain with his hand on his cheeks disbelievingly.

Hoorain was Siyaan's bestfriend who stood with him in his darkest days. Siyaan was always used to bullied in school by other students, Hoorain helped him to be strong.

Hoorain looked at Siyaan with a look that could kill him at that instant.

" Don't you dare talk about them" Hoorain said pointing her index finger towards him.

Siyaan was still in the shock that Hoorain slapped him.

" What is this Siyaan? Is this how you keep promises? You promised me you will never make her sad and now see she is broken because of YOU" Hoorain said holding Tanisha's hand.

(A/N: If you want, you can play the above song from here)

Tanisha couldn't control the tears which was flowing over her cheeks. She was hurt, and that too by the person whom she never thought will break her heart.

" What did you tell? She and Riaz are dating behind your back huh? Wow Siyaan sheikh how can you be so low? And you know that Riaz loves Jenna"Hoorain said looking dircetly into his eyes.

Siyaan's face became pale at Hoorain's words. He knew he was doing a big mistake, but He didn't have any other option than leave Tanisha because he no longer have feelings for her.

" What happened? Did you become mute now?"Hoorain yelled at him.

Siyaan looked at Hoorain who was not in her senses. Her face was red turning red.The way she looked at Siyaan for hurting her bestfriend showed how much she care for her.

" Hoor, let me explain" he was cut off by Hoorain.

" There is nothing more to explain Siyu, You broke her heart. Is there anything you can do to mend it?" Hoorain said gritting her teeth.

Siyaan remained silent because he had no reply to it.

" No, you can't. I never expect this from you Siyu. I never expect you to tell her to end her friendship with us. You were same as like how Riaz is for me. But how could you" Hoorain's voice cracked at the end.

" Hoor, I am sorry. Yes, I know Riaz has feelings for Jenna. I dragged him into this purposefully." Siyaan said without looking at them.

They stared at him without knowing what he is upto.

" Actually, there is no reason I can tell to end my relation with Tanu. So I had only one option that was to make a fake thing between Riaz and Tanu" He sighed.

"My mom got to know about us and She doesn't want Tanu to be her daughter-in-law. I am sorry Tanu, I can't disagree with my mom" Siyaan said.

They were dumbstruck by the silly reason Siyaan had brought to end up their relation.

" Was your so-called mom DEAD WHEN YOU PROPOSED HER?" Hoorain shouted at him.

" HOOR! you are crossing the limit" Siyaan said clenching his hands into fist.

" YES I AM. Now before I do something just get lost from my view" Hoorain roared at him.

Hoorain tightened her hold in Tanisha's hand.

" Look Siyaan, you are going to regret every day of your life for making my Tanu in this postion. I hate you from the core of my heart. She is a gem, and she deserve someone better than you who is a THIRD CLASS GUY.I wish you never live a peaceful life ahead" Hoorain said and dragged Tanisha with her.

Riaz took hold of Siyaan's collar,
" Don't think this is over here. You are going to pay for those tears of Tanu." Riaz pushed him and went away with Jannat.

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