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~ Make today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous ~

"I am getting married" Shahid said all of a sudden making Rayyan to choke on his juice and Zeeshan to spit the tomato out of his mouth.

Tanisha stared at Shahid in an unnamed expression, hurt or shock, but whatever it was, her heart broke into millions of pieces which was scattered all over making each pieces to prick, giving her a sharp pain.

Hoorain on the other hand, gaining it as an golden opportunity, slapped Rayyan's head using her palm harshly. She was continuously slapping his head while Rayyan grabbed her hands tightly and gave her a what-are-you-doing-look.

" Don't give me that look. I was just helping you. God, nowadays helping someone is a crime" Hoorain groaned withdrawing her hand from his hold.

" This is how you help someone? God, this girl is unbelievable. And You, how many times have I told you not to joke while I am drinking something." Rayyan turned to Shahid while wiping his mouth.

" I wasn't joking. I am serious, I will be getting married after two years" Shahid said while he was looking at Tanisha through the corner of his eyes.

Tanisha stared at him dumbfounded, she did not wanted to lose him. It was a weird feeling inside her chest, a kind of burning.

" Besides, why should I wait for a girl, who has no feelings for me but only hatred?" Shahid looked at Tanisha who was staring at the plate of her sandwich, but she felt even the sandwich had a sad face.

The atmosphere around them became very tensed as everyone became silent. Shahid's words said all the hurt he had bottled up in his heart.

None of them talked after that, they looked at each other and focused on their food, even if their appetite was lost. The chattering and laughter of the place was lost at Shahid's words.

Now the only sound heard was the sound of the fork tapping on the plate. Each sound made a crack in Tanisha's heart whereas Shahid on the corner of his eyes was looking at her with a lopsided grin.

Indeed he had some crazy plans going on in his mind.

Evenings are always calm, the sun slowly fades away giving a warm orange-tinge to the sky. The silent wind swayed all around the city, spreading happiness.

The surroundings of the apartment wasn't very silent as it was in the middle of the city. The highway was as usual crowded with cars and the footpath was with people.

Hoorain was seated on the sofa with her ear pods plugged in her right ear and she had her iPhone in another hand. Jannat was laying flat on the same couch with her both legs on Hoorains lap and her gray Macbook on her lap.

The calling bell rang all over the room, while Jannat groaned looking at the door as she was damn lazy to open the door.

When the bell rang again, Tanisha who just came out of the bathroom, with her towel wrapped on her hair came to the hall and stood there with her hands on her hip looking at Jannat who was pleading to her showing her puppy eyes to open the door.

She went near the main door and opened it revealing two ladies, one was the same lady whom Jannat had referred to as aunt and the other one was a woman in her thirties.

" Assalamu alikum" The woman greeted her.

" Wa alikum Salam, please come" Tanisha felt awkward, because she didnot knew how to start the conversation.

" Hey, We are living just near to this apartment, I am Reeha and this is my aunt Laila who lives near to your room"Reeha said as she dragged the chair to sit.

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