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~ Allah(SWT) doesn't put a dream in your heart to taunt you or tease you ~

~ Allah(SWT) doesn't put a dream in your heart to taunt you or tease you ~

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"He is conscious" The words rang in his ears like a sound which made his whole body to go rigid.

His eyes turned red with the veins on his arms popped out due to his tight grip on the railings of the balcony. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breathe to calm him down but that was the most toughest job he couldnt do in this two years.

He wanted to see him, he was waiting for this last two years to see him, him who snatched the living happiness from him. He was the one who burnt his heart, tje love of his life.

" I will come " Rayyan said it without having an eye contact with Zeeshan, as the fire burning inside his heart made his throat burn not letting him to talk more as he know he couldnt.

Zeeshan patted his shoulder and giving him who was staring into the night sky like he always do, a last look he went outside closing the door with a soft sound.

He walked towards his bedroom which was opposite to Rayyan's, and it was also on the left side of the balcony of the main hall. He bent the knob down, to reveal the sight which always warm up his heart which lacked peace.

His wife and his prince.

Jannat was sleeping on the huge king-sized bed with her one arm wrapped around their son, who was sleeping with his pale pink lips in a cute pout and in the huge bed, he looked like a small beautiful creature with the light blue comfy duvet covering his small body.

He went towards the bed and sat on the edge of the bed, near to his son without disturbing both of them. Looking at his two-year old son, made his all worry to disappear atleast for some time.

Zayn Zeeshan Saqlain, the universe of their small family. He had those large lightest shade of gray eyes, and a medium sized nose with his chubby cheeks. And seeing him covered half with the duvet, made a smile to creep upon Zeeshan's lips but that faded when his eyes travelled to her face.

Jannat, she was the perfect example for a girl with an outgoing personality, who used to make people speechless with her single word of sarcasm but everything and everyone changes, and time plays the main role in the life of people, and it is the one which changes people, the incidents which happened in a particular time make people to change entirely.

She was the most happiest on the day when she heard Hoorain going to confess her love to Rayyan. And that wasnt the only reason for happiness, but it was the life living inside her womb and she was so excited to surprise her bestfriend but instead she heard the news, which she never ever wished to hear, as life without Hoorain was something she has never thought about.

And she was scared, she was scared to lose her loved ones. She was not anymore the old Jannat, she had changed to the most sensitive person who cries even for a single reason. And in all these, Zeeshan was her supportive pillar even if he was crying inside he stood strong for both his wife and his best friend.

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