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~ with a heart lile that, you deserve the world~

" Hiba is getting married" The moment these words were uttered by Hiba's father, Akheem's whole posture changed within a second of time from the happy one to shocked.

Everyone looked at each other not exactly knowing what was happening inside the Akheem villa. But Hiba's father had his eyes plastered on Akheem's face waiting for the stupid man to react but all he could see was his face white as a sheet with the whole coulour drained out of it.

" NO, I WONT LET HIBA GET MARRIED" Like somebody threw a steel plate to the back of his head, Akheem yelled coming forward making Huma to jump aside at his sudden explosion.

" So you don't want to marry my daughter? After making her fall for you so deep down into the pit" Hiba's dad had that scary expression on his face which would make any person go weak in their knees but Akheem had his both eyebrows raised and his lips into a straight line which made him look exactly like a clown.

" You aren't getting her married to somebody else?" Akheem asked still not grasping the situation making it even more worse.

" Aalif, now I know a man who look like a gentleman can be a living fool just like my son-in-law here" Hiba's father shook his head, while the whole hall burst into pits of laughter.

" Let him be, being not in a relationship made my son like this" Aalif let out a hearty laugh making Akheem look at his father with a big smile on his face.

For a moment, Akheem's mind was flooded with the horrible thoughts of Hiba becoming somebody else's even though he was being a complete jerk to her and he knew he has to go through a lot to get her back.

" I am sorry " Akheem said while holding his father-in-law's both hands inside his while he had his eyes wrinkled because of smiling since he know Akheem was the one for his little princess.

Akheem looked at his sister who was giving him a big thumbs up, making his smile to get even more wider as he now knew it wasn't a dream but a beautiful reality, the reality he wish would never ever fade away from them.

And just like that, storms disappeared bringing back the colorful rainbow.

There is different views people love waking upto, different beautiful breathtaking views even if it's just the rays of sunlight, as it brightens the day giving rays of hope for the person.

But to him, the person lying next to him with her emerald forest green eyes hidden from him by her soft eyelids while her lashes found their place at her rosy cheeks. She had her milky arms around his bare torso while  half of her smooth black long hair scattered on his chest.

Just like her name, she was a Hoor.

Turning his whole body slowly to her side, he kept his elbow under his head while his other hand found its way towards her cheeks. How badly he had wished every day to see this face atleast once and now he couldn't be anymore thankful to have her so close to him all safe.

Wrapping his arm around her stomach he pulled her more towards his chest, making the right side of her cheeks to touch his chest. He felt so complete having her this close,  even her breathe that fanned to his body made his heart filled with calmness.

Her arm on his torso tightened, while her baby pink lips turned into a small smile, as she could hear his heartbeat clearly making her heart beat even more. Can morning be anymore beuatiful?

Opening her eyes slowly she could feel his beard touching her head. Moving a bit back, she looked at his peacefully sleeping face, but he looked different.
He had dark circle around his eyes, and she knew the depth of the dark circle showed how much she was the reason behind it, even if it was unintentionally.

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