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~ as long as you are breathing, it is not too late to change your story~

Happy? The word itself seem to hold a small weightage to the overwhelming emotion his heart was filled with. The deep wound which was still fresh a few hours ago was vanished within a small second of time, as the treatment for his wound was her, her presence.

Silence, it was something both of them hated the most in their past but at present, at this moment of their life it wasn't suffocating them, because their silence spoke the words that failed to slip out of their mouth.

The sky resembled a black clothe with glittering stars shining beautifully, the moon like a round white stone blessed the city with it's bright light showing the two lost souls sitting down on the green garden the light to their dark world, but not anymore.

Their hands were intertwined, her head on his shoulder and his another arm on her waist making her so close to him, as if he was scared that all this might be a dream and if it was a dream he wished he would never  wakeup.

Everything fell into the right place, even if it took years to. How true is that, Allah SWT never burdens a soul beyond it can bear. Experiencing bad days doesn't mean that good days won't ever come to our way, it just means Allah SWT is preparing us so that during our bad days we don't forget him.

Roshan had dropped both the couples to Rayyan's apartment and took his leave, leaving the both of them to have their own time. And Roshan had some other plans, as he know nothing was over, since only two of the human trafficking team has been cut off not the whole gang and he wasnt going to leave none of them to live spoiling the lives of innocent souls.

" Rayyan" Hoorain sat straight while rubbing the back of the ring on Rayyan's finger, she looked straight into his eyes, those eyes which got it's sparkle of happiness back.

Even breathing brought a glint of happiness to him, because the air around him had the freshness of the old good days, and those old good days was back. And, he is going to make sure to not to leave the hold of her hand ever.

" I missed you eshgam" Rayyan said while he rubbed her rosy cheeks with his thumb while she could see pain in his eyes as she knew he was reminiscing  about the old days.

" I, I am sorry eshgam. I am sorry for taking too long to come for you." Rayyan said holding her close to him, staring into her emerald forest green eyes which he missed staring into.

" I missed you so much Rayyan, even if I couldn't remember anything about you back then, my heart had this emptiness in it and I felt burdened when I couldn't point out what exactly it was. I, I missed us Rayyan" Hoorain said cupping his both cheeks while her eyes was moistened but with tears of happiness.

" I was so scared Hoor, I wasn't even able to breathe properly Hoor, I, I thought I lost you forever" Rayyan looked like a child in front of her, and the pained look on his face made her heart clench.

The man who was holding back everything and had become like a stone hearted person was now breaking, all the baggage of pain he had locked inside him was now breaking in front of his life, his life he thought he would never be able to see again.

Wrapping her tiny arms around his neck, she pulled him closer to her rubbing his back, while Rayyan cried in the crook of her neck, holding her tightly to him.

" Dont ever leave me Hoor, don't ever think of leaving me like this again. I, I can't live without you Hoor" Rayyan murmured on her shoulders, while she nodded with tears flowing down her cheeks which she didn't bother to wipe away.

" Rayyan " Hoorain grabbed his shoulders and withdrew his hold from her while wiping his tears.

" I regretted not saying this, I prayed so badly to Allah for giving me a last chance to tell you because more than the pain on my body, it was that pain of not telling you which hurt me endlessly" Hoorain pressed her both lips, as that moment was still a painful one, still fresh.

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